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Feasibility of bump-out closet/pantry. Is this even possible?

9 years ago


In my upcoming kitchen remodel, I will be losing my pantry space. In an effort to find somewhere to make up for that lost space, I had the idea to make a "bump-out" type of closet and I'm wondering if you can tell me if it's realistic.

There is a 38" space between the corner of one wall and the window. I'm hoping to carve out some space here. (The space between the current peninsula, which will be gone and the window) Ideally, I'd like it to function like a normal pantry cabinet, where I can install pull out drawers.

Like this: (There will be a cabinet door on it, flush with the wall. or maybe just proud of the wall, don't know yet)

That window will be changed out to a box bay window seat like this:

So, I'm wondering if I can do a pop out that will stay under the 20" eaves like the window will?

Here are some pics from the outside:

Is this possible? What's involved?

Does anyone have a ball park idea of cost?

Thank you so much for any insight you can provide! I appreciate any help you can offer.

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