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Care for Marathon Fescue During Drought

Hello. I live in the San Diego, CA. I have about 1000 sq ft of Marathon Fescue grass that was installed about 1 1/2 years ago. I cut back watering to twice a week when the drought restrictions went into effect earlier this summer. The condition of my lawn is not too great right now, and I'm trying to figure out what I can do to try to rescue it before it's too late. The areas around the sprinkler heads look decent, but in other areas there are dead spots. There is also a decent amount of bermuda grass that has come up in the areas where the fescue is not doing well.

I contacted Marathon sod about this, and they said to increase the watering time to at least 10 mins per session (vs 7 minutes). I have done that. They said that I should use the Marathon organic fertilizer to improve the condition of the soil and grass. They said that I should wait until the fescue is healthier (and less stressed) before I treat the lawn with something to kill the bermuda grass. I plan on applying the fertilizer, as they recommended but I'm concerned about the bermuda and other weeds that are present.

I wanted to get some more opinions on this, as I'm concerned that the fescue will have trouble competing with the bermuda grass and other weeds if I don't treat the lawn with something to get rid of the bermuda and weeds sooner, rather than later, so that the fescue can come back once the temperatures turn cooler.

Any advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated.



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