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Dining table toppers for dinners

9 years ago

Finally got a new dining table and it's quite a bit bigger (and a lot nicer) than my old one. So all my old table cloths are out. Any new table cloths I think I'll have to make as they need to be so large...with the leaf in, I'm going to have to buy 7 yds of fabric to make it work. I suppose for casual cover I could buy flat king-sized sheets to work with.

I don't have pads for the table...I will be buying fabric backed vinyl and cutting it to fit. I prefer that as they have no seams and are waterproof, and I can literally roll them up and put them away.

So what does anyone else do? Do you have large table cloths? Or do you use place mats? Table runners?

Comments (46)

  • 9 years ago

    If it's a nice table seems a shame to cover it with a cloth. We rarely use our dining table, but when we do place mats are my cover choice.

  • 9 years ago

    Congrats on the new table!

    We use our dining (room) table every day. For eating but it is also my "desk". In fact I'm sitting at it right now. I'm rather fond of table linens so like having a tablecloth. I don't use a pad or anything else under the cloth. If a spill happens I just wipe it up right away. My table has three leaves so I have cloths for every size except no leaf. I don't like tablecloths that hang only a few inches over the sides so I have to buy 70" wide ones. Not often found at less expensive sources. I occasionally use a table runner and placemats but for the most part there is a tablecloth.

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    tablecloth with topper


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    Are you plannning on buying, making, or having it custom made? If you are buying one already made, your size options will definitely be more limited. I don't think there are hard and fast rules about how big the topper must be. Look at the link below(Ballards). If you scroll down to the bottom of that page you will see another topper that is longer. Take a flat sheet and fold/pin it to see what size is visible pleasing to you. If it were me, for a 42" table, I think a 60" square might work nicely. Come back and share your results! Here is a link that might be useful: Ballards
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  • 9 years ago

    We use our dining table everyday. I never use table clothes or even placemats. But we are very casual.

    My mom has a lovely antique table and uses a runner and placemats for holiday dinners.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Congrats on the new table, you should post a pic and show it to us!

    We don't use our table often either and are also casual...no cloth, no placements...just a glass basket of fruit in the middle on an old fashioned doily. I did buy a runner for it once, but it looked better in the living room, so I used it under the tv on the credenza.

  • 9 years ago

    I have my grandma's table, which I refinished last summer. Prior to refinish, I always kept a tablecloth on it, because it looked crappy. Now it's beautiful, and I can't bear to cover it up! like rosesstink, it's my desk, and our only table, so it gets a lot of use.

    I got some lovely placemats, which make me feel like I'm protecting the new finish (though after a year, I've had no problems). I might use a tablecloth for a holiday dinner, but I truly love gazing at the beautiful wood, and running my hands over it every day.

  • PRO
    9 years ago

    Placemats, hate to cover up a beautiful table.

  • 9 years ago

    We have an antique table in the dining room. I am not a fan of tablecloths. I do have a vintage crocheted (tatted?) square cloth that I occasionally use when II use the table with no leaves at all - which makes it round and the table cloth is square, so I use it at an angle, if I am making sense. I have different runners - burlap, linen, graincloth, etc. that I like to use. I use chargers alot - and again have different ones - burlap, woven wicker type, ceramic, etc. I prefer that look. Add some pretty napkins - voila! I have never used a pad of any kind. I'm a fan of using something and if it has to be protected, I'm less likely to use it. I don't use serving (hot) pieces on the table so no problems there.

  • 9 years ago

    I've been thinking about this. (whacko) To me placemats are something you see in diners. Probably because that's the only place I saw them growing up. In my mind dining tables "need" tablecloths. When I have used placemats instead of a cloth I've been uncomfortable. Like I wasn't putting my best foot forward or something. My hangup from my childhood. ;-)

  • 9 years ago

    My dining table is small--it will seat 6 in a pinch. And it's just plain old wood; nothing special. And I was brought up with pads and a tablecloth on the dining table at all times. And I inherited several large old linen and/or lace tablecloths.

    So much of the time, there is a tablecloth on the table. I've had to get creative, because some of them are way too big for the table, so I've tied the corners up in knots, or folded the ends back under the rest of the tablecloth.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Annie, would love to see photos of your new table!

    I stock three sizes of tablecloths to accommodate none, one or two extensions of our mahogany table, largest cloth size is 144". Year round I use only white, having an innate disregard for solid colored tablecloths in any other color (mother's fault, probsbly). I love those very heavy, thick white cotton tablecloths from Portugal and use those most often. They are almost flannel-y but iron to a lovely finish and crystal does not slide around on them as it can do on cheaper cloth--- and I would caution against using sheets for that reason. I also have linen cloths with three inch hemstitched edges, which go over a cotton cloth. For Christmas I have a 144" ivory cotton cutwork cloth embroidered and appliquéd in a red and green holly pattern and the same size printed cotton Williams Sonoma cloth in their nutcracker pattern. For the no-leaf table size I have a white cotton cloth from my mother embroidered in a basket and flowers motif in green and brown (specifically for small family Thanksgiving). I have also a white linen damask tablecloth for the one-leaf table size which also goes over one of the thicker white ones.

    I also have three sets of fine white linen placemats with our marriage monogram in the upper left corner---12 each embroidered in red, green and matte gold. Those were bought online and monogrammed locally so I could see the thread colors, as I was trying to match the green with some china decorated in pink and green, I wanted the red to be just the right shade for Christmas, and wanted a gold that is satiny and not gaudy, iykwim.

    Let me know when you want to talk napkins!!!

  • 9 years ago

    I've had three runners made for our table that go sideways across it instead of lengthwise down it. They are about 36" across and 50 wide", the width stretching across the 40" table with five inches of hang. I love our mahogany table but with a breakfront and sideboard and ten chairs that is a LOT of wood. The runner breaks up the expanse a bit. All the ones I've had made are reversible, which gives me six options. The hangover ends either have a pretty trim or one-inch self banding.

    We can easily seat twelve at our table and can crowd in 14.

  • 9 years ago

    I would live to see your table.

    I I just picked up a $20 reproduction duncan Phyfe that I redid the top and bottom. Unfortunately no pads came with it. I have a variety of placemats and just picked up some chargers. Mom and I have a thing for vintage linens and she has a very special table cloth she wants to use as tacky as it is, I will probably cover that one with vinyl since it means so much to her.

    I have a second vintage drop leaf Duncan Phyfe that I hope to use with the new one for Thanksgiving. It has a really nice set of pads and I really wish the new table had them as well. I worry about the people who spill and fail to mention it.

  • 9 years ago

    Have you thought of using a sheet, maybe extra long twin? I can't even stand the *thought* of sewing one!

  • 9 years ago

    I don't think it's fair to ask for help and not share a picture firsy. ;^)

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is the table... The surface is slightly distressed which means I won't be panicking over every accident on the surface. However, the room does get a lot of sun. My old table, I had to keep covered as the surface was so faded that the leaves no longer matched.

    I really appreciate everyone's inputs. It's got me thinking, esp as I head up to Osgood's today to look at fabrics after we meet with the guy who is building our breakfast nook table (how much fun can a gal have in one day!)

    While I can appreciate kswl's devotion to white table cloths, I find I like them to coordinate better with my room. So I'm thinking of sticking with the warm gold. For the old table, I had a cloth that was the aubergine and gold stripe that looked lovely in there...perhaps I can convert it to table runners now that they won't fit.

    I think placemats may be a nice option for 'std sized' dinners, but when I want to squeak the family around the table for the holiday, table cloths are far more accommodating. Like kswl's, we can seat 12, squeak 14. Especially with the trestle style, it means no one will have to straddle a leg, which I really like.

  • 9 years ago

    That is a lovely table, Annie, it is really a double pedestal with a stretcher that gives you the best of both looks of pedestal and trestle, very nice! Before you take scissors to that gold and aubergine tablecloth, try folding it as a wider horizontal runner and see if you like that look. I think it would look rather baronial on your table :-)

  • 9 years ago

    Depends, if my DH beats me to setting up, tablecloth. If I set I prefer placemats except for large gathering.

  • 9 years ago

    Beautiful table, Annie. I use a table runner for decorative purposes on our main dining table but use placemats for a casual dinner. However, when the 'clan' gathers, I always put the table pad on and use a tablecloth. I like to use the pad because I don't have to worry about something hot or a spill. My table is quite large with 2 large leaves so I have a variety of cloths, mostly white, but I do have a few colors to use seasonally. Don't use much as I prefer white but still. You might try ebay for tablecloths. I had some pretty good luck finding a few there in large sizes.

    I recently acquired an Irish linen cutwork cloth and need to look for something colored to put under it for the holidays. I'll probably look for some inexpensive at the fabric store for Thanksgiving and Christmas and sew to fit.

    For our breakfast table, it's placemats all the way and rarely a tablecloth with the fabric-backed vinyl mat underneath.

  • 9 years ago

    I love it!

    Question, in the photos of the buffet cabinet, does the design with the two half circles have a name? I just picked up 4 Bernhardt brand chairs with that pattern back and have been trying to figure out the name

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a gorgeous table, Annie! I love it.

    It occurs to me that we never - I mean, NEVER! - use our dining table on a daily basis. The way it's set up in our new place lends itself to daily use, but we gravitate towards the kitchen island instead. I think DH is planning to make tacos tonight (which is certainly a casual meal), but I think I'm going to insist that we eat at the dining table for a change. It would be a nice new habit to form.

    We have had folks over for the holidays and all sat around the table at our old house. I've used nice placemats (if it's a smaller group) or a tablecloth for a bigger crowd. I really like pretty table linens and have a few things that I enjoy seeing even just sitting there folded in the cabinet. I should start using them more.

  • 9 years ago

    Check on Ebay, you can order any size tablecloth in different fabrics, from reputable seller. I have a square table with four leaves making it a big square table, I bought several on Ebay.

  • 9 years ago

    I adore vintage embroidered table linens, especially in the Madeira style and that is what I tend to use at holidays. I also have a banquet cloth that is too large for my table so I find a way to pin it to fit where it will not be seen. For every day, the table stays pretty naked. A couple of years ago when putting up the Christmas decorations, I had ironed an Italian linen runner and sighed with appreciation at how nice the table looked. Not even 2 hours later someone knocked over a cup of Crystal Light and that runner is still put away. Hopefully as the kids get older and pass their awkward phases I may stand a better chance of dressing my table. We do use plastic placemats whenever there is something "questionable" happening at the table (modelling clay, markers, slime making, whatever).

  • 9 years ago

    Thank you for sharing the link Annie. That is a beautiful table. It would be a shame to cover it all the time. We have solar shade screens on our windows that protect our furniture from fading.

  • 9 years ago

    Annie.....I have a Stanley dining room table, chairs, breakfront we purchased when we got married in 1981. I still like it all these years later, though not sure we'll take it when we retire and move away. We only use the bottom half of the break front now and the tops of both it and the table need refinishing.

    I have a zillion tablecloths of all different sizes and colors and could/should get rid of 3/4 of them. I really detest ironing them and they never come out that nice when I do. I'm finding placemats so much easier to use but they have drawbacks too...you've got to have a runner if you want to serve family style and then the table can end up looking like a mish-mosh.

    You're table is really pretty...can't wait to see your breakfast table too.

  • 9 years ago

    Wow, that table is a jaw dropping stunner! Do you have chairs already or are you getting new chairs too?

  • 9 years ago

    That is a gorgeous table!! I adore tablecloths so I use them all the time. I know that I am old fashion ( and old), but some things just make me happy. I like to layer the cloths ( I have round tables). I have a 60 inch table and use a 90 inch cloth. I will use a solid 90 inch and then add a patterned 70 in. over it. I can often keep the 90 on longer and then just change the 70's.

    i do not have table pads. Instead, I have those " flannel-backed" vinyl covers. I purchased them from some catalogue. They are put on the table and then covered by the cloths. You cannot tell that they are there.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Re dining chairs, I fell in love with some chairs that were fully upholstered, but the style was only ok, but the comfort was unbelievable...my dinner guests would never leave! But I also balk at the price. So I'm still undecided. I figure one step at a time.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Re breakfast nook table, we met with the woodworker today and tweaked the design some. He's got the go ahead so now I just gave to wait. He's working on re-creating the carved splat on some lovely Chippendale style chairs, and he just got the order in for a gorgeous wood surrounded curved bed. He does such fabulous work! So he'll be working on our table in between. I think it'll be awhile before we see it.

  • 9 years ago


    I had the same problem, and since we have "Sunday Supper" at our house most weeks for anyone who wants to come needed a variety of tablecloths for our large table. Since you sew, you don't have to get rid of your favorite tablecloths-- modify them. Head to your fabric store and haunt the home decorator fabric's sale bins. Home dec fabrics come in many stunning patterns and colors. They are generally 60" wide and may be wide enough for a new cloth for you just by hemming. For your smaller ones, buy a coordinating fabric and sew strips wide enough to make the cloth the right size onto it. For a really custom look miter the corners. (there are good tutorials on line for this) I've even sewn 2 different coordinating borders onto a smaller cloth.

    Just be sure you pre-wash any fabric first so it won't shrink after you've spent time and money on it.

    And you can use any extra fabric for napkins, basket liners, etc.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked dorcasc
  • 9 years ago

    I did buy fabric to make a table cloth for the dining table, but I wasn't pleased with the vinyls they had there to make table pads, so I'm going to look locally.

  • 9 years ago

    While I was looking around at table cloths, I came upon this...

    how to fold dinner napkins

  • 9 years ago

    until this house, I always kept the pads and table cloth off our dining room table unless we were using it (which wasn't often)... often I had a runner down the center.

    here, we frequently use the dining room table (since we only have counter seating in the kitchen) and I have just left the pads and tablecloth on... depending on the tablecloth I'm using, I occasionally use placemats on top of the table cloth.... placemats alone wouldn't protect the dining room table enough.

    we often just ate on our kitchen table without a table cloth or placemats, but I wouldn't do that with our dining room table... it got water ringed enough over time that I often kept a tablecloth (without pads) on our kitchen table all the time- I liked the color and patterns in the kitchen and had a nice variety of tablecloths! the dining room tablecloths I use are more formal and sedate. :)

  • 9 years ago

    I prefer the look of placemats (fabric), and there are many many elegant ones. I think it shows off the table more to have the contrast.

  • 9 years ago

    Annie - thanks for the link on folding napkins - I'll have to try some of those for fun, but yikes, not the 'candle'!

  • 9 years ago

    I like the napkin ideas, will try for change in my dining room.

  • 9 years ago

    This site has even more napkin folds and more clearly demonstrated.

  • 9 years ago

    For fun, I decided to browse Houzz ...

    Classic Elegance · More Info

    Wimbledon Hill Park, London · More Info

    Traditional Dining Room · More Info

    Small Lake Cottage Style & Photography by Gridley + Graves · More Info

    Dining Room · More Info

    All the work that went into this quilt, I'd be terrified to use it as a table topper!

    Halpert at the Vineyard · More Info

    My Houzz: Garage Sale Meets Glam in Ohio · More Info

    Quadrille, China Seas, Alan Campbell, Home Couture · More Info

  • 9 years ago

    Love the new table Annie! Thank you for the link to napkin arranging too. I lug out our W-S cotton round white to the floor tablecloth for special occasions. Unfortunately, I keep shrinking the thing every time I wash it.... I have multiple sets of placemats (hard and soft) but rarely use them for some reason anymore.

  • 9 years ago

    Printed cloths:


    Runner across table

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked User
  • 9 years ago

    My table has the pull out leafs,and can sit 10 comfortably, but I have had as many as 14, if we put two people on each end, usually a child/adult. I use runners and placemats, mainly because I have found them to be much prettier than tablecloths, but I hate ironing them also. I have several sets, only because I have several sets of china/dinnerware. I usually get them after Christmas when they're marked down to n 50% or more.

  • 9 years ago

    Beautiful table settings KSWL!

  • 9 years ago

    I also found a casual dining pic of our kitchen with placemats:

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked User
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We usually have a white linen table cloth and mix it up with a runner. Depending on the mood, perhaps place mats. Sometime I put plates on a charger. Below is a recent Mexican themed dinner with friends. Sangria, home smoked pork shoulder burritos, and elote.

  • 9 years ago

    I have a million linen cloths. And a billion embroidered placemats. (All right, a little hyperbole.) My table, when I need the two big leaves, needs a 4-yard cloth--what's that? 144"? In any case, damask linen can shrink, and once, having 14 for dinner, the cloth I had intended to use had shrunk a few inches. I ended up using several sets of similar white linen embroidered/cutwork placemats and it really looked quite lovely with a matching runner down the center, with flowers and so on. I use a foam backed liner, too, when using a cloth. My table was made back in the day when hot plates leave marks. There are plenty of these marks, but there is no need to keep adding more. I used to hand iron, but now, with the exception of smaller, more casual cloths, I wash them in cold water, air-dry them and then bring to the cleaners to press. Good enough, and better than adding to the mountain of unironed linens that populate my laundry room.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked vedazu
  • 9 years ago

    We got the vinyl locally and made the table pads. Yesterday I made the printed table cloth from the fabric I got at Osgood's, which came out nice, and yesterday a whole slew of table cloths came that I ordered from amazon...ivory, white, purple, hunter green and navy. So for that, I'm all set.

    Now I'll have to revamp my inventory of placemats which are pretty old and some are pretty awful. DH wants me to rework some of the old smaller table cloths into ones for our new breakfast nook table when it comes in, but I think I want to look into making some into table runners for the new table if possible. There's one that's gold and eggplant striped that I just love, but honestly can't remember where I found the fabric for it, so I can't get more. It's really rough finding anything purple out there now....naturally because I'm looking for it...thank you, Murphy's Law!