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Need advice for front landscaping

9 years ago

We recently purchased a lovely white farmhouse on 6 1/2 acres. The house was just a baby, and the previous owners only lived in it for a few months before they relocated. Their plant selections weren't my own personal tastes, so we have a blank slate! I listed a lot of what was already planted on Craiglist, and several people came and dug their treasures up for their own home.

I've done a little moving around here and there, but I'm definitely a newbie. It's so fun! The flower beds are huge! We are in Pennsylvania, zone 6, and the front of the house is the east, and the sun sets behind it. When facing the house, the entire left side receives full sun all day long, so the hydrangeas that we inherited are very wilted and sad each day. I have purchased two dappled willow trees, some rose bushes, some golden mop cypresses and two of another type of bush, but haven't planted anything yet. I'd love some input!!

I prefer a more cottagey-yet-tidy look. A lot of green, a lot of height, large weeping shrubs, trees and things I can prune and watch transform.

Thank you all so much!!

These are sunflowers that I planted with the kids, directly in the front right next to the entrance. I wouldn't necessarily do that again, since they are growing to be giants, but it has been wonderful watching them grow. I think next year, we'll put them in the backyard.

This is the side yard, right next to the sunflowers. It needs to hide our septic tanks. So far, I have two dappled willow bushes, a butterfly bush, a hydrangea and a lilac bush in there. There are coneflowers in the front.

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