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Awesome August Order...from Hosta Choice

In the spring, Jo and Vanessa shared their purchases with us having visited Hosta Choice Nursery in Appin, Ontario. They were lucky enough to be able to visit Glen's tranquil oasis in person and thoughtfully posted numerous shots of the terrific hosta beds for those of us who reside further afield to admire (which we promptly did - see links below).

Whilst I wish that I too, could spend a few hours wandering, perusing and purchasing wonderful plants in the same manner, thanks to the option of mail order, I am still able to secure lots of Glen's gems!

The plants below comprise my third order this year, and I should make it clear that Glen had advised me that many of the plants are not looking their best (a combination of frost damage in the spring, bug bites, sunburn etc ). Being late August, this didn't deter me in the slightest, since I'm primarily purchasing these ones to enjoy next spring. It's what's downstairs (roots) that counts the most!

Anyhow here goes.

Buckle your seat belts!

Posted Monday, the treasure box arrived in Vancouver this afternoon (Fri.) and was quickly opened to reveal...

It should be noted that Glenn always does an excellent job of packaging - taking great care and pride in his work.

Then began the voyage of discovery! - basically unwrapping, and plonking the plants in the bath.

First up, Sahara Nights - created a great first impression.

Wasn't totally sure about this one, but am glad that I included it after all - it's like a greener cousin of Marrakech!

Have been eyeing Sky Dancer for a while now - it just never made the cut before. Not sure why I delayed so long!

The last to be added into the order, since I only came across it a few days before finalizing, was... Winter Frost.

Bought Shimmy Shake in the spring. This one's by the same hybridizer, and I love it - Stir It Up!

Tequila Sunrise - a medium sized upright, with lots of ripples - ticks my boxes! (being a vibrant yellow in the spring also gives it that wow factor!)

When Vanessa recently shared her fabulous Frisian Waving Steel, I admired her plant stating that I had one on order - Vanessa wrote back forecasting "You'll I'll love it" - I think she will be right!

Be back with more shortly.


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