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Help With Removing Grout In Bathroom!

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

So, I made a bad call years ago when we moved into our house.

Our hallway bathroom is my bathroom (master is tiny!) and I decided that the dark grout made the bathroom look even smaller, and that off-white grout would "open it up" a bit.

I had DH grout OVER the old grout and while the floor has never peeled, the tile shower /tub walls start to peel every couple of months, necessitating DH patching up the spots.

Well, it's getting old and I'm wondering if we can remove the top layer of grout and just go with the darker grout underneath, without damaging it.

Our floor and the tub surround are tiled.

Any hints as to how this could be done? Dremel? Get a professional?

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