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Wood flooring in kitchen: Rug in front of sink?

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

If you have wood flooring in your kitchen, do you use a rug or runner in front of the sink? I've never had wood in the kitchen before but now have engineered hardwood, and am realizing that no matter how careful we are at the sink, droplets of water inevitably make it to the floor - particularly when loading the dishwasher. (I haven't had a dishwasher in twelve years. I didn't realize how besotted I would be with it, but I looooove it!)

I envisioned this space as feeling very open and don't really like the thought of visual clutter on the kitchen floor. I do have two large area rugs, one in the adjacent dining area and one in the living room (open concept), but the thought of a small rug in front of the sink? Ick. That said, I definitely don't want to damage our floors by what will certainly be years of water drips. Right now we are diligent about wiping up anything immediately, but I know how the "new" wears off over time and we will surely get lax.

If this is also your issue, how do you address it?

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