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Oregano leaves while plant is flowering

As a long-time basil gardener, I know that the common advice is to not let the plants flower because once it does the plant's energy goes into flowering and seeding and the leaves consequently become bitter and tough.

I'm wondering though if it may be different for oregano. I have several oregano plants that I've neglected and which have been flowering for the last week or two. I just got to them today and put a leaf or two in my mouth, and they're not too bad, possibly not any more bitter or tough than when the plant was young. Any thoughts on this?

I also tried tasting the flowers themselves and they seem to have the same nice oregano flavor as the leaves.

Maybe oregano flowers can be considered just as tasty as the leaves, and also that the plant's taste doesn't start deteriorating going forward as basil does.

But maybe I'm wrong about all this -- I'll experiment some more. Anyone have experience with this?

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