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First mama Monarch of the year!

Mary Leek
8 years ago

Finally saw my First Monarch of the season and she's left me some gifts. Woo hoo, so happy. First spotted her on the Butterfly weed. Not certain if she was feeding or feeding and leaving a few eggs. I ran up to the deck and grabbed a couple of pots of Tropical I've been raising to use in the rearing cage (should I be so fortunate as to have babies to raise) and set it down near other plants.

She eventually laid eggs on Butterfly weed, Common, Tropical and Asclepias fruticosa. In fact, she seemed to prefer the Asclepias fruticosa out of all the milkweed that I currently have. All of the other milkweed has fresh tip growth but maybe the Swan plants, because of the smaller leaves, seemed more inviting.

Just had to share. I've been working hard this very hot summer, hand watering the milkweed every day in order to have plenty of food, should I get lucky and have some babies to raise.

She fed on the Butterfly weed, Lantana, Meadow Liatris (only a few blooms left on it) and Pentas.

There is a resident male Pipevine ST that has been hanging around looking for a female. He is so pretty but no lady friends have stopped by. Poor guy. It looked like he even had a thought about Mama Monarch, swooping around her but she brushed him away. :-) I have some Pipevine chrysalides that should eclose in the next few days. I hope he sticks around a bit longer.

Need to go and try to find the eggs now.


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