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WWYD - wall color with peachy cabinets?

9 years ago

So I picked out what I thought was a nice off white color for the walls of our new place, and now realize that what seemed to play nicely with kitchen cabinet color in a sample, did not when applied in large swathes on the walls. Too yellow and sweet for the cabs.

Am trying for a neutral backdrop that's not super white (small contrast with trim which is Chantilly Lace), will work with blue, green, white and walnut, but that plays nicely with the kitchen cabinets which I would amputate limbs before painting because I am that lazy.

I'm now gunshy - this off white business is harder than it looks. If you were picking an off white, what kind of color would you veer toward? Cool grey? Warm grey? Peachy white?

Cabinets somewhat resemble BM Colonial Cream, whitish paint color is BM Cream Froth which turned out to be too sweet for the cabinets. I'm leery of trying to match the cabinets due to previous negative experience. Plus husband is a redhead and despises most pinky colors which I'm afraid I might end up with if matching cabinets.

I have a backup color we all liked, which is BM Sea Pearl. It's kind of greenish off white but reads almost blue-grey next to those peach cabs - which is ok, I don't necessarily need to match the cabs. Am worried it's not enough of a contrast to look deliberate.

I'm bringing a cabinet door to my local Ben Moore dealer tonight and picking up a few more samples. Any advice? Pep talk?

Here's what I've tried so far (throwing every old paint sample in my house at this thing):

Sea pearl oc19 - leading contender

Classic grey oc 23 - looks nice, runner up

Edgecomb hc173 -too dark/dull

Jute - way too dark
French canvas Oc41 - too green

Ballet white oc9 - too light
Cream froth oc97 - too yellow
Titanium - too green

I wish I'd taken a good pic of my sample wall before I painted over it...

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