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Paint for basement rec room (my bedroom)

9 years ago

To move in with my father in his new home, we agreed that living in the basement would be a good option. He has the dormer master on the 3rd floor, and I'll have the basement - plenty of space between us. It's currently being torn apart, but I need to think of paint colors.

Sorry not the best photo! Pretty typical rectangle half-house basement (utility room is on other side). We had to have the basement waterproofed and we had to have the wall boards removed. I'm having white wainscoting put in, and I'm having the fireplace painted white.

This is the bed that I bought. I was thinking of doing grey walls, but I'm not sure if that's too much grey. My bedding is brighter, yellows, and such. The bed will be going against the back wall with the windows. I also have a white sectional and lightly shaded wood shelving/desk unit that I brought in from my apartment.

Thanks :)!

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