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Al's Gritty Mix for Succulents/Cacti- 1:1:1 with bark or no bark?

9 years ago

Zone 6b

After about 4-5 days immersing myself in forum posts about Al's Gritty Mix and calling poultry feed stores, John Deeres, looking at online sites for auto parts..I'm super close to getting my hands on the right ingredients! (And the sieve...) [updated the Al gritty mix by state/region forum thread:[Al gritty mix by state/region forum thread[(]

And then I suddenly remembered some other posts I read about people picking out the bark in their general big box store bought soil for cacti/succulents because..well exactly for the purpose of why it was included in Al gritty mix in the first place: it sucks in water!

Just to be extra careful..I AM suppose to include bark (uncomposted pine or fir or orchid) in the Al's 1:1:1 bark, crushed granite, turface/napa floor dry mix if I'm using it for container succulents/cacti..right? [Containers have drainage holes.]

Super generalized/noob version of purpose of Al's gritty mix:

Bark: keeps moisture

Granite: aeration, stays pretty dry

turface/napa floor dry: sucks in water really easily and lets it go really easily

Or is it a pot-by-pot basis thing, use half less bark for succulents that REALLY don't like wet feet. Or should I just not buy bark?

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