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Will Ajuga Mahogany or creeping thyme grow in full shade?

Looking to
fill in a strip adjoining a hosta garden, that I don’t want to mow (plus grass
won’t grow any more, as it’s too shady). I have both plants elsewhere, but
those are in sun for 3/4s of the day. The Ajuga Mahogany is always trying to spread
and root into the lawn anyway, so I might as will pull up those runners and
make use of them.

I don’t recall the name of the thyme: but not
wooly or lemon. It has tiny pink flowers. it's some very common type. I’d buy a flat of that if it would
work much better than the Ajuga.

The Ajuga has the foliage color I’d like if
only it will grow in shade. I don’t care if either bloom in this location. Just
need to cover the dirt and have something I can walk on to tend the main bed. Both have been tolerant of occasional walking in the other locations. Thanks!

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