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Trial is over, DH doctor gets 45 years. Is it really Justice?

9 years ago

When I saw this on the news the other day, it took a few minutes to really sink in. Over 550 victims including many deaths. The ruined lives of their surviving families, people who are now ill as a result of the chemo they received as well as the millions stolen from medicare and insurance carriers. It's hard to believe the man we knew and trusted implicitly was even capable of this, but he finally admitted to it all in open court.

I can't help but wonder though, yes, 45 years is essentially a life sentence, but is it really justice? And if it is, for whom? In the end, the prosecutors only focused on the business aspect of the damage. He wasn't charged for murder which is essentially what he did, he wasn't charged with assault or any other offence that was attached to misdiagnosing and subsequent mistreating of patients for cancer. From what I know right now, victims won't see a dime in restitution, all the funds confiscated will be returned to medicare and insurance carriers. His human victims won't even be reimbursed for the 1,000's they paid out of pocket for him to poison them and they won't receive any help with costs from existing conditions they have as a direct result of those treatments they received. There is no money left for them to go after in civil suits and now they may not even be able to sue the hospitals who were in bed with him. I'm having a real hard time feeling like his "victims" received any justice at all. From my perspective it seems like government took care of itself and we (his patients) helped build the governments case as witnesses assuming we would see justice as well. But in the end, I don't think his patients got justice at all. Here is the story as portrayed in the news

Fata / NBC

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