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New growth on 3 year old maple tree is discoloring and dying. Chicago

9 years ago


This happened last year about this time of year and I clipped off the
bad growth thinking it was an infection and all seemed fine. There was no other deadening of leaves after clipping. This year
I looked up more about it and some people point to a lack of phosphate?
When I planted the young tree 3 years ago I did use some root
stimulator. The past couple years including this one I put a couple
fertilizer stakes into the ground at the drip line in the spring. I
added some 10/10/10 liquid fertilizer about a week apart with no change,
only seems to have continued whatever course the leaves are on.

My question Is should I add more fertilizer? Get a different brand/strength?
I planted some hydrangeas ten feet away and they had the same issue last
year. This year I added some of the same fertilizer and they've been

Around the tree we have 3 salvia plants growing. Do
you think they are sucking up the fertilizer I am putting down instead
of the tree?

Added info just in case its needed.... The area of the tree and the
hydrangea both had arbor vitae and other evergreen type hedges there for
many years. I dug them up to plant these.

thanks for any help

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