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Just when I said I have never gotten a tomato hornworm....

I was taking this photo because I wanted to post about my Maskotka tomatoes. In taking the shot, I only then noticed that a leaf at the bottom of the photo had holes in it. Holes are not good. I approached the leaf and shrieked by the other side moved...and while I knew what it was because y'all had posted about it and I had read the posts, grossed out, I have often though to myself, "Whew...thank God we don't have those here."

On closer examination, there's quite a bit of damage on about 10-15 leaves and I see the poop they're known for.

I found five. F I V E ! !

And I can't be certain they are all gone.

I thought these wasps were supposed to lay one egg. Then five separate moths laid worms on one plant? Have they no sense of territory?

So now, instead of a "look how gorgeous my Maskotka is" post, this is a "see my holey growing tomato plant with worms" post.

Now I have to go check all the other tomato plants.

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