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back splash and shelving suggestions

I am looking for back splash and shelving suggestions. My husband would like white subway tile with gray grout. We have really hard water in our area, so I really can't do white grout. Will the white tile be too white with our cabinets?

Also, above the narrow cabinets on the short wall, I would like to put up shelves, but not sure if I should go for long ones the whole length, staggered shorter ones or what. I have seen lots of different options and like them all! I want it to add to the kitchen but not take it over.

Comments (80)

  • 9 years ago

    I think replacing cabs with shelving is a trend - that doesn't mean all trends are bad, per se, I am sure at one point having a microwave was seen as the "new, trendy thing". In this kitchen's case there are still cabinets - this is just sort of a feature wall, and I agree with Stephanie that upper cabs here would have been very heavy-looking. Kitchens have always had shelves (see the vintage thread) but the doing-away with all upper cabs might be something that looks very dated at some point.

    Then again, I think people are going to be thinking our generation was nuts tearing down all these walls and making kitchen visible from the living room. Our kids will be inheriting our kitchens and framing out new walls to hide them (ducking tomatoes being thrown at me lol).

    We deserve to be happy in the moment, I guess is what I am saying. There is no perfect kitchen that will never need updating.

  • 9 years ago
    I don't know what's trendy and have never had a good eye for how to put together my own spaces, but I do know what I like. My perfect house would be such a mishmash of styles and colors, it would probably make most people's head spin...and not in a good way. And because of that, I don't trust my judgement very much. It's also why I love all the suggestions so much. My instinct was that more cabinets wasn't the right way to go. We are still working out what type of shelves we want.

    All the comments help a lot, and the Hirshfield's Paint manager that has come to understand our color preferences and steered us in the right direction! We got paint samples today and started looking at tiles for the back splash, but the tile guy was less helpful, so I guess we're on our own there. I don't want it to be too obnoxious, but not boring either. We tend to go to one extreme or the other! So I'm open to suggestions.
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    Comments (12)
    I was going to say open shelving would be nice, so I really like nosoccermom's pics. If you're going to do some sort of BS below the cabinets & don't want to take it up the wall, you can take it down the wall at the height of the bottom of the cabinets & put your shelves above, between the cab's. If you decide to put a cabinet there, make sure your face isn't directly in the cabinet!! You don't want to be uncomfortable while at the sink. Let us see what you end up doing.
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    Desperately Seeking Suggestions for a back splash


    Comments (17)
    I'm the party pooper, I guess. I suggest you do not pick the tile for the back splash until the cabinets and counters are in. You will not believe the difference it makes. When the counter is horizontal and bigger, it will look much more different than that little sample. The lighting in your space is different than out in the tile shops. Also the cabinets when installed will give your space a different look. There is nothing lost by waiting. There have been several GW members who made their decision based on a door and granite sample only to be disappointed later. In our future house, I plan on just painting that drywall area and then deciding. I know I probably will want to go with the arabesques again, but I really want to see it before making that decision. But, while you are out there looking, check out the Mandala Tiles, especially their Sinu collection. The tile is subtle but really does have some depth to it without stealing the show. I know srg215 used it in her kitchen in the color: Stingray. Gorgeous. Good Luck!
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    Okay. My 2 cents. It appears that the dining room is a bit squishy. Lots of big furniture. My thought would be to remove the sideboard, put a banquette along the wall and shift the dining table over. This is a tad fancier then what you are going for but this is right beside a kitchen peninsula...same layout. I think they shifted the chandelier over so it is centred with the table. If you search for "banquette dining" on PINTEREST you'll get lots of inspiration. Just a thought to give you more breathing room if desired. :) The balance between the beautiful banquet and the open chairs would be perfect (in your style).
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    Comments (1)
    You have no pictures up loaded, , and a solid surface back splash generally means a REPEAT of the material used for counter tops. No matter if a 4 inch riser, or a full to the bottom of upper cabinetry and cook hood. ( quartz should not be used behind a range. It will scorch. Wh have no idea what you are thinking. ..................unless you post inspo and your current condition in pictures.
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  • 9 years ago

    Been seeing a lot about chalkboard backsplashes lately. The more I see them, the more I think I may do that. It's cheap, and I love the function. Plus, it'll be easy to clean. Seriously contemplating it. Especially since after picking everything for this remodel I'm truly OVER picking out options.

  • 9 years ago

    We went to The Tile Shop to see our options for our back splash. We took home samples Snow glass subway tile and the Tile Shop guy thought it would look nice to have the white tile with a accent of 3 or 4 rows of something like this tile below. It is blacks, grays and stainless... thoughts?

    We have BM Gray Owl for the walls, White Dove for the trim and door and Rumba Orange for the accent wall.

    Gray Owl 2137-60 Paint · More Info

    Rumba Orange, Benjamin Moore · More Info

    Benjamin Moore White Dove OC-17 · More Info

  • 9 years ago

    l like the tile and the colors!

  • 9 years ago

    I like that colour scheme.

  • 9 years ago
    Right now I am reeling from the price tag. We were going to do white ceramic subway tile, but my husband really wants glass. The tile is $28 a square foot, the accent tile is like $38 each. Yikes! Is that typical?
  • 9 years ago

    Wow! I would have to be in total love with it for that price. How many sq ft do you need? I did white subway tile because I liked it and it was cheap. If I were doing my "dream" kitchen I would have done the crackle tile in a blue or green. So pretty!

  • 9 years ago
    Yes, the difference between white ceramic and glass is unbelievable. Not sure what else I could do that would be more reasonable, but I can't just justify that much money. I don't know how many sheets we would need for the accent, but I would be willing to splurge on that. The rest of the tile, I will have to find an alternative. Or convince my husband that white ceramic is good enough.
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What about white ceramic tiles with some orange accent tiles?

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes I am paying $18/sf amount for my glass tile! But we looove it and we are only doing 18 square feet - plus we are paying for an installer and $cha ching$ there too, makes it more like $50/sf after install and taxes. We decided to only do our main feature wall behind the stove and just paint the rest as a compromise.

    Ceramic subway is lovely too!

  • 9 years ago
    Where were you lucky enough to find it for only $18 sq/ft? That's better than I've been able to find so far, but I'm still looking.
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am in Canada - a local tile store. The glass subway was only half that, I ordered a fancy tile. Have you checked out tilebar? Free samples, and a lot of glass for $15/sf.

    Stephanie Pichner thanked stephanj
  • 9 years ago

    Has anyone had good experiences with ordering tile online? I just looked at Tilebar and wow! they have some beautiful tile!

    Sushi 1/2� X 2� Polished Glass Tiles In Brick Pattern · More Info

    I would love a few rows of this for an accent!

  • 9 years ago

    Now that is some colorful tile! Maybe you can splurge on a few of those and fill in with less expensive tile. Pretty!

    Stephanie Pichner thanked Lily Spider
  • 9 years ago
    I'm back! Still no decision on backsplash tile, but we haven't had time to sit down and discuss it. We did spend some time on plans for the shelving and realized that we have a ton of wood that was removed from the old kitchen. My husband saved all the really long 1"x 12" wood planks and other various sizes that would work. He likes the idea of a long box shelf, either stained or painted white with the back possibly the same color oranges the accent wall.

    We used painters tape to mark the size it would be and I'm just not sure if it will look good. And if it looks good, will it be functional, since we decided on making it not very deep. The dimensions would be like 70" long, 10" high, 6" deep. I'm not sure if that is a practical size for storing item since it allows only up to 8" high and nothing very big around. We could go bigger not so shallow, but I'm afraid they will seem overbearing. Thoughts?
  • 9 years ago

    Do you know what you are going to store there? Glass storage containers? Do you have them yet? You could measure them and adjust the size of the shelves to fit.

  • 9 years ago
    I was hoping to store some pantry items on there - flour and sugar in Anchor jars, other baking items in pint and quart mason jars. I would like to have my stainless mixing bowls and my white serving dishes on there as well, but it won't be deep enough for most of them.
  • 9 years ago

    I would not tile that wall. I would be inclined to put a spectacular painted glass backsplash...with a series of staggered shelves, if I had a reason for putting something on thos shelves...

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ooops, cross-posting.

    My shelves are 5.5" deep and 8.5" between the shelves. Plenty of room for my quart size mason jars with room to spare.

  • 9 years ago
    That wall will not be tiled, just painted. The cabinets below are 12" depth, so I am afraid deep shelves will seem heavy and overbearing. But if they aren't functional then I might as well not put up any shelves. It isn't a feature wall, just the area that I hope to tie in with the rest of the room and place my most used items.
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think if you are storing pantry items, you don't want it to be too deep anyway, think larger jars in the back and maybe a second row of jars in the from, max. Could get away with 8" or less. I was worried my DR uppers were going to be too "loomy" and they ended up not being obstrusive at all.

    Is it just me or...I feel like the general size is out of scale - like they should have a bit more "height presence", in order to balance with the lower cabs. Would you consider making them a bit taller?

    Re: tilebar - try ordering some samples and see if you like the process. They sent me a mad ton of samples. I ended up not going with them b/c I am in Canada and the %&$* border people opened the samples up and then didn't wrap them back tightly so a few broke jangling around on the rest of the trip. Thanks, dumwads! I knew I would never trust them with an expensive order. That wouldn't happen domestically in the US. But the quality of what arrived was good and true to what was depicted.

    Stephanie Pichner thanked stephanj
  • 9 years ago

    So I am driving my husband mad with this and I need a game plan fast. So tell me what your thoughts are on this....

    What If I do a few boxes, up higher and a little deeper so I can store serving and mixing bowls on them. They could be all the same size or different sizes. I'm not sure how high up they should be, but you can see where the wall ends and opens up to the living room to the right of the wall. The top of the box could line up with that or even higher and have the bottom of the boxes line up with it. Then have narrow shelves on the wall, under the boxes, for storing my pastas, grains, baking items, and coffee stuff. Maybe I could stagger them and have stuff organized by shelf. The boxes and shelves could all be staggered and have a more "modular" look as well. I was up very late looking for photos that combined the two and represented what is in my head, but no luck. I do like the thought of having bars and hooks to hang coffee mugs, cutting boards, measuring stuff, etc. I was trying to keep in very clean and simple, but I think what I was ending up with was more symmetrical lines that I am afraid will feel cold and boring, and not as functional as I need it to be. I guess that is why gravitate toward Ikea, because I need lots of function in little space. My stumbling block has been where the studs are located and not wanting my glass jars and dutch oven to rely on anchors. If I don't have the boxes or shelves run the exact length of the counter, then I can just use the studs and fill in with decorative fun stuff. Not sure if I am making any sense. I don't see what's in my head on Houzz or Pinterest, so I doubt myself!

    I am hoping to put in an order for samples this weekend from I really like the Sushi, but worry it will be too much, even just an accent of it. But with one wall in the room being that bright and everything else black, white and gray, maybe it will be too flashy. Their website has so many I like, I'll have to narrow it down to just a few!

  • 9 years ago

    I think I only want our final shelves to be 4" deep. The biggest items on them are the quart mason jars and 4" would be plenty deep enough. Just thought I would add that if depth is a concern. Of course, I don't know what all else you might want to store on them so that may not be helpful.

    Have the shelves been built yet? If so, how about propping them up on the wall with some 4x4's, 3 or 4 of them with smooth, level cuts, should be able to prop the shelf up to give you a visual on how they look prior to putting holes in your walls to hang them. You could even paint the 4x4's the same color as the wall so they blend in and don't draw the eye while deciding. If you do this, I suggest cutting them longer so the shelf sits higher and then shaving off an inch or two for each test. Take a photo of the shelves set at different heights. Make sure you record the height to go along with the photo. If the shelves are visible from other angles besides head-on, take photos from these angles as well.

  • 9 years ago

    I thought about doing something like this, but not this many. Just an example of varying the size of the boxes and mixing it with regular shelves. But I am not seeing any examples of what I envision. My husband doesn't like it one bit. He is very much into symmetrical and long clean lines. I am about ready to go to Home Depot to buy brackets and just center some shelves over the the center of the cabinet and be done.

    This was his interpretation of what I was talking about. He said we could attach a bar across to hang mugs and such from.

  • 9 years ago

    I think that's a great idea. And I wouldn't worry about them being shallow, they'll be perfect for your glass storage containers and will be easier to keep tidy.

  • 9 years ago

    That seems a little more to scale (although I know what you mean about long clean lines too). The mug bar makes sense in this context too. If you could float a little space between the upper boxes and lower boxes to let them "breathe" what would you think?

    This photo is not really useful at all, but I liked it lol.

    Contemporary Eco Kitchen in the Cotswolds · More Info

  • 9 years ago

    PS I agree it's hard to find pictures, I feel like I know what you are going for but I can't find examples!

  • 9 years ago

    PPS - do you need Valje?

  • 9 years ago

    My husband did what he does best. When I am out of ideas or completely frustrated, he rallies and pulls it off. He finally understood what I was going for, which is a blend of open box style shelves and functional wall storage shelves. Like these photos

    small bright kitchen · More Info

    and this...

    Viola Park Kitchen System · More Info

    and eventually he came up with this...

    only the stacked shelves go up one cube higher. They will attach to each other for extra support, all be on studs and the two long shelves will be open ended. Phew, I still don't know if I am explaining it right!

  • 9 years ago
    I did want to use those IKEA cubes, but he really didn't like that idea. That's okay, my son is going to get a few like that to display some of his Lego sets in.
  • 9 years ago

    I like your new set of photo examples. And this latest painters tape design too. Maybe someone could make exactly what you are looking for? I am still trying to decide too. Since it's just shelving, If it goes up and you really hate it, you could do something else. Maybe that will make the process less stressful? Sometimes I stress out less if I know something doesn't have to be permanent :)

  • 9 years ago

    Cool! I like the asymmetry - it's way more architectural.

  • 9 years ago

    So I just got samples from Super fast and really nice looking tile. It's going to be hard to decide!

    We are still deciding between white ceramic subway tile with an accent of glass or mixed or some of these are such a good price that we could do the whole backsplash in the sheet mosaics. I can't decide. I really love the yellow/orange/red glass tiles, but the 1x2 frosted, glass and slate looking tiles are really nice. The 2x2 textured looking glass tiles are gorgeous too!

  • 9 years ago

    Wall is painted Rumba Orange and is ready to be decorated! We are just starting to discuss what should go on this blank canvas.

    Finished back splash done in Snow Cap Terrene. It turned out beautifully!

  • 9 years ago

    The wall is painted Gray Owl and the shelf is complete. I couldn't decide if we should paint the shelf, stain it or a combination of the two. Any thoughts? My husband assumed we would paint it white, but we wanted to get it up and see how it looked first. Now he's also wondering if staining it might be better. Undecided, so we are leaving it for now and will have to get other opinions and go from there.

  • 9 years ago

    It's coming along so well! Love your backsplash tile and that accent wall color!

    Before you had mentioned maybe painting the back of the shelves to match the accent wall, but what about painting the shelf itself orange? I think it would look great - warm things up and draw the eye without introducing another finish. If you stain it, are there any other wood elements in the room you can match?

  • 9 years ago

    I like what atomscat said. Orange would be nice and easy to change. Funny that you just posted this. I ordered a couple of shelves for a space similar to yours. Got one set in today. Not sure they work. I also bought a few very colorful plates to go the shelves if I ever find any. I am considering asking the carpenter who did the kitchen to make me shelves out of reclaimed wood.

  • 9 years ago

    I couldn't find shelves that were the right size and I wanted to have them secured to the studs, not anchors. My husband ended up building them for me and they turned out really good. The back is open, but I could figure out a way to paint the wall orange or put a thin painted board at the back. The stain color I was looking at is called Oriental Ginger, which has an orange tone to it. The hardwood floors in the adjoining rooms are golden oak and some of the accents in the room are bamboo. I was planing to have some warm wood tones to break up the black and white. I would probably be happy with white, wood and/or some orange. I love the orange and it's a fun color!

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What if you found a cool modern wallpaper with some of that orage in it and wallpapered the back of the shelving?

    maybe even using wallpaper below the shelves too as a BS?

  • 9 years ago

    From your reply, I think maybe my comment wasn't clear. I was suggesting painting the wood itself orange (could also do a back, but I'd leave the back the wall color and paint the shelf). If the ginger stain is close to the wall color, that could work too. My concern with a wood stain that's not close is that it's introducing another finish that doesn't relate to other things in the room. Using the orange on that wall will really tie things together. We can't see the stain color, so can't say if it will work or not.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, I realized last night that since the long shelf is open ended, the back will have to be left open. So that makes it one less decision, which works for me! I'll have to decide if I want the shelves to stand out and be the focal point, which they would be if painted orange, or if I want them to blend in by painting them white and having the accessories and fun pieces to stand out more. I love the orange color, but don't want to overdo it and have it lose the desired effect.

  • PRO
    9 years ago

    Choosing a backsplash can be overwhelming! Here
    is a great article: A
    Backsplash Guide

  • 9 years ago

    We already completed the backsplash.

  • 9 years ago

    We are currently in backsplash hell... lol. Love how the kitchen has turned out thus far, but have a specific idea for the backsplash and none of the tile shops around me have what I'm trying to do. Guess it's time to hit online shops. I'm thinking a matte, extremely light beige, most likely manufactured for uniformity... subway tile. any suggestions?

  • 9 years ago

    Eric, you'll probably get more input if you start a new discussion. I like how your kitchen turned out. Especially the peekaboo window into the adjacent room. I don't have the skills to help you with your tile choice, sorry. Your idea sounds good to me.

  • 9 years ago

    Been there. I never knew picking tile could take up so much of my time. I finally decided not to decide and went with the one sample that my husband and sons liked the best. Must be good if all three liked it more than the others! It was a different look that I had envisioned, but I am very happy with the results.

    We ordered samples from and had a great experience with them. They have lots of subway tile options - stone, glass, ceramic, etc. and lots of different sizes. 5 samples for $5, free shipping and they showed up fast. We ordered our tile and my husband installed it. We ended up with a glass tile backsplash for under $300. I never would have believed it. We lucked out and got the sheets for a really good price that we would never had found in the stores around here, even big box stores, and we got tile that was like nothing we had seen in the stores. No tax, free shipping and we bought enough sheets to give us plenty for repairs, if we should ever need them.

  • 9 years ago

    Stefanie, everything turned out so nice!

    I love your orange feature wall and the grey owl paint is the perfect compliment.

    I am going to check out tilebar. I love the glass backsplash color and cannot believe you did that for $300!

    My cabinets and countertop are a very similar color to yours but not as modern.

    I am unsure about the painted orange for your shelves. But I am also not sold on the white. Maybe a stain that has an 'orange' tint but is not real bright, if that makes sense.

    Tell hubby he did a very very good job!

  • 9 years ago

    Thanks for the website suggestion, Stephanie. I'll be heading there soon.

  • 9 years ago

    Wow, that turned out great!

    I think I looked at every tile under the sun and ended up with 4 x 16 in Alabaster. Yeah, off-white rectangles. I had to laugh at myself...