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Crabgrass control in Bermuda lawn

My front lawn is all bermudagrass. This is my second year of paying attention to good cultural practices, so it's still coming up to speed. Right now I have a number of large patches of very dense crabgrass, and I was wondering what I can do to control it. I live in Durham, NC, so the temps are already quite hot and I understand that chemical options right now are fairly (extremely?) limited. Is there anything I can apply in the summer? How about the early fall when things cool off?

I also understand the easiest way to control it, besides extremely dense, healthy grass, is to get a good pre-emergent shield down. I applied Dimension this spring March 15, shortly after the forsythia was blooming. I'm thinking this may have either been too late this year (we had a cold late winter that transitioned over night into a warm early spring), or maybe I applied too little (about 6 pounds per thousand square feet, maybe a little too light).

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