Are you quilting this weekend? June 5-7
9 years ago
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Are you quilting this weekend? June 7-9
Comments (19)I have been pretty busy cutting scraps for a Bonnie Hunter quilt today. I have one of her mystery quilts that I have been working on "Easy Street". I am doing it in Blacks, Reds, Blues. The one I have been cutting scraps for is a double irish chain that I am going totally scrappy with. I have so many scraps, so I decided to cut all the 2 inch squares and will probably end up working on both of these quilts at retreat this year. In the past couple of weeks I have been learning to use my new long arm. I have quilted three smaller quilts using pantographs on it so far. One baby size out of scrappy birthday blocks from a few years ago and two others that are bigger. One was from bowtie blocks that I found when we were cleaning out my grandmother's house. I will save the quilt for my first grandchild, since it will be blocks that its great great grandmother made. The other is a round robin that we did on this forum a year or so ago. I have cut binding today for two of these. One is machine sewn on and ready to do the hand sewing to the front. I will sew the other binding on one evening this week. I went to an estate sale a couple weeks ago and bought two quilt tops that are maybe queen size. I am going to quilt them soon. I also purchased bags of appliqued quilt blocks that are butterflies and victorian girls with fancy dresses, so these may come to retreat with me also. I won't get bored that is for sure! Since finishing my nephew's double wedding ring quilt, I have focused on things that I want to finish. I do not plan on making a quilt for someone else for the rest of the year. Some of what I complete may end up as gifts but I am not quilting on a deadline this year. Jackie...See MoreAre you quilting this weekend? June 12-14
Comments (22)I had to google "blue-tailed skink." They look like the geckos we have in Hawaii, except for the color. We probably have some lizardy-looking little guys around here too, but I haven't seen any lately - just some garter snakes that like to hang out in the rocks down by the lake. We had a loon's nest across the bay from us near my neighbor's dock. There were two eggs in it, and the parents seemed quite vigilant. Two eagles would sit on a tree branch above the nest, waiting, I suppose, for the eggs to hatch. The parents scolded the eagles endlessly. Then one day the eggs were gone - no shells, no sign of disturbance. My neighbor said she saw a mink swimming around the nest. We think the mink beat the eagles to their meal. We were so looking forward to watching the baby loons. About five years ago, two babies and their parents spent the summer on our bay. We could drive quite close to them in our boat and watch the parents feed the babies or watch the babies ride on their parent's back. It was like a National Geographic special right in our backyard. Oh, well, as my husband says, "There are no happy endings in nature."...See MoreAre you quilting this weekend? June 3-5
Comments (15)I've got all 85 blocks for my antique star quilt laid out on the living room floor. I have started piecing them together with the sashing diagonally from one corner. I have a quilting friend coming over for dinner tomorrow, and I wanted her to see them. Then I will pick them up by row and keep assembling. I just have to figure out what to do, if anything, with the scraps left from fussy cutting the sashing. Any ideas? They're just under an inch wide. What a waste of beautiful fabric. I guess I could always use them in a strip block....See MoreAre you quilting this weekend - August 5-7?
Comments (9)That's a very cute quilt Sharon. I am in the cleanup tidyup mood this week. I finished another set of string blocks so those scraps are out of sight for a while. As an offset to quilting, I do knitting also. I like fun stuff like doll clothes. I pickup a few baby type doll throughout the year and clean them up and make a knitted wardrobe for each. This year I will donate 2 to the Shoebox Charity and one to our local Salvation Army Christmas fund. I cleaned up my wool and sorted out what I didn't want and had too many dolls on hand so donated what I won't use back to the Thrift Store. I received my order of wool for winter knitting and the new GA doll Wellie Wishes 14 1/2" tall. Very cute and designed for the younger girl 5-8 yrs so will be fun to knit for. I usually sell my outfits at craft shows. I am done with the 18" doll, she isn't very popular any more....too big for young kids. I found a Madame Alexander doll at our thrift store for $3.00. She is mint, original clothes, hair style and hair ribbon. You can still buy her for $69.99 US + shipping. I think I will make 5 nice outfits for her and resell her has a unit. The $$ will help support my fabric habits, haha. See the rain is slowing down a bit everywhere so we can get back to enjoying summer....See MoreRelated Professionals
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