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Saving store purchased Echeverias: full documented

I recently bought these three (E. Blue Princess, Neon Breaker, and Topsy Turvy) and want to see them thrive. My interest in succulents has been revitalized since I've located the exact ingredients for Al's Gritty Mix: Turface, crushed granite, and pine bark. The process I intend to document was attempted by me before with substitutes like pea gravel and Soil Perfector. My results were unsuccessful due to reasons I cannot identify. Now, I want to attempt again and document my results. I encourage any advice from growers who have successful plants and "bit the bullet" with heavy root cleaning. Some of my local friends think I'm insane for "destroying" the roots. I assure them it's been done by others before me.

I have rinsed the peaty mix from the roots like many recommend before moving on to the Gritty mix. The potted plant is to provide a reference to the size of the original "root ball" even though the roots were not in the best health.

At this point, I'm not sure if I should plant them or cut some additional debris from the roots. The roots are dry in the photos and the "Tospy Turvy" does seem to have some additional peat residue.

I realize the timing may not be ideal, but I know from experience that they won't make it through summer in the peaty mix.

My conditions:

Gainesville, FL (hot and humid summer)

Growing outdoors under oaks (dappled sunlight)

Some terra-cotta pots, but these will be in 4inch plastics

Watering with FL rain supplemented with tap water

I'll baldy provide any additional information


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