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BRAND New Gardener, Meyer Lemon Tree Help!

9 years ago

Hello all. I have started gardening just about a week ago. I bought a 3 year old Meyer Lemon tree online about a month ago. It was repotted in commercial high grade potting soil right when I got it. I have a few questions about the plant.

1. How come it is not nice and bushy like the trees I see online? It is just one long stalk. It is starting to grow off the sides, but only on the top, what about the bottom? Will it help if I take some of the fruit off? When do I take them off?

2. I have not yet gotten a straight forward answer. How often do I water the plant? I have asked everyone I know. I live in zip code 11021. The moisture meter seems to not work for me. I dip my finger in and it can still be moist after a week, but I am told to water twice a week since the plant is outside. How much water should I be giving? I give 1.5L

We will start with those 2 questions for now. I will post photos.

P.S. I have started little grapefruit seedlings using the baggie method. They went in the soil 2 days ago. How often am I supposed to water that?


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