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Perfect fireplace built-ins -- please help me to design

9 years ago

Hi everyone,

We are in progress on a house addition build. We have started to draw up designs for the built-ins that will go on either side of our fireplace. We are using Scherr's RTA cabs so we are not using a KD or interior designer and hope that GardenWeb will help with the design component. The unit will hold a TV behind doors, components for music, speakers, DVDs and other storage. It will also have display of a collection of plates I inherited with smaller figurines (mainly Hummel figurines). We have read that it is a good idea to ventilate the components, and of course the speakers need to be behind speaker cloth to be useful. I also have read that remotes can work through speaker cloth. Hence, you will see we have used speaker cloth (likely will paint or get cloth in a light off-white or light grey colour). The door infront of the TV and the same side one on the other side of the fireplace will be bi-fold doors.

Here is what we have in the works. Comments are welcome on either function or form. Thanks in advance!


Here is the floor plan of the great room under construction.

Here is a sample of one of the plates. We also have some more brown based Hummel plates as well as Hummel figurines for display (ignore the grey sample beside plate)

Here is the proposed stone veneer for the fireplace. It looks less purple in real life.

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