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Got a lotta mint

9 years ago

I just wanted to crow about my mint bed. I had a troublesome area of the yard that was on an unmowable hill, full of weeds and gravel.. and is now becoming a plush mint bed.

Chocolate and pineapple were the first to go in. Now they have been added to with Ginger, Banana, Apple, Orange, Mojito, Kentucky Julip, and Lemon mints.

This area is in partial to full shade, and was a total PITA before I decided to plant in a heap of invasive and yummy "weeds" of my choosing. And now every time I mow down the edge of this area, it's one of the best smelling parts of the mowing day :)

And yep, we really do use this much mint. In various food dishes, teas, drinks of all sorts of summer goodness.

And now that crappy area is held in well with plants and won't erode, and those are tasty good herbs to use :)

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