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Local Kitchen Tour - General Impressions

9 years ago

A local non-profit raises funds through an annual kitchen tour. While it's held in the general southern NH/Maine seacoast area, they change up locales - some years it's homes & condos in the city, sometimes small coastal cottages, and last year it was large oceanfront homes.

I've been going about 13 of the past 24 yrs. they've held it. But after last year's I thought maybe it had run its course for me. It seemed to be mostly "my kitchen is bigger than your kitchen" and many had thrown in every current trend with no cohesive style. Right after touring it was hard to remember how one was different from another.

This year's featured beautiful homes in Kittery, ME. Some were old & grand, one was a renovated little sea barn, another was a modest-sized ranch owned by a TV personality that had been redone to highlight the spectacular ocean views.

It was a complete turnaround from last year's, IMO. Less conspicuous piling on, more diversity in styles, more artisanal touches, good use of space and consideration for the home's architecture. It was a delight!

I'm wondering if last year's excess might have been the peak of the trend for super-sizing kitchens.

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