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My seeds are up! Now what do I do?

9 years ago

I posted a week or so ago complaining about my jugs not sprouting. As usual, I was simply impatient, and they are now mostly up. (With the exception of Liatris ligulistylis, which I believe is simply a slowpoke.) can I get some advice from the group about the proper growing conditions for these plants? Many of them are not truly "ornamental" and I can't find information about them in my books. Here's the list:

1. Anaphalis margaritaceae

2. Boehmeria cylindrica

3. Blue wood aster

4. Lobelia syphilitica

5. Penstemon digitalis

6. Solidago speciosa

7. Pycnanthemum muticum. (These sprouted really well for me last year and did well all summer, but I had them planted in large planter boxes and they drowned over the winter.) they seem to like moist fulsome, so I hope I can find a spot for them on my property somewhere.

I also have butterflyweed and swamp milkweed, but I think I know how to grow those.

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