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9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago


A bit of FOTESS business first..........

****FOTESS is a member only group. YES, YOU NEED TO BE A
MEMBER TO JOIN THIS SWAP. If you’d like to join our group contact sjc48 or
sandlapper_rose and they’ll give you details.....Or contact me.*****


Here we go.....

And what does FOTESS MOMMIES mean for the Month of May, 2015????

This month of May, we will give thanks to our FOTESS
FOUNDERS aka FOTESS MOMMIES, Shirley (sjc48) and Jeanne (sandlapper_rose). A
few years back, these lovely ladies, Shirley and Jeanne, started FOTESS,
"FRIENDS OF THE EARTH SIMPLE SWAPS"................a friendly,
earthly, simple and fun swap group, originally created on the GARDENWEB.
GARDENWEB is no longer but FOTESS is alive and well here on HOUZZ. Shirley and
Jeanne have hosted nearly every swap since the beginning.....lots of work and
lots of time but always with lots of love, fun and creativity.....lots of creativity!! So let us show THANKS to
our founders, our very own FOTESS MOMMIES, Shirley and Jeanne.

If you sign up for May's FOTESS MOMMIES, you will..........


*Simply.....each person who signs up will send SHIRLEY (sjc48)
AND JEANNE (sandlapper_rose) a friendly thank you card with something "simple"
inside. SIMPLE is whatever you want it to be, something SHIRLEY AND JEANNE
would enjoy......seeds or a bookmark or stickers ect..........It is the thought
that counts. Show your appreciation and says THANKS! One or two stamps on each
envelope should do it.

*Please sign up by May 7

*Please send to Shirley and Jeanne by May 21.

*Please write FOTESS MOMMIES on the back of the envelopes.

*Please post here after you send to Jeanne and Shirley!!!!.

Shirley and Jeanne, obviously you do not even need to sign up....LOL!
You can play games if you like!!! I know you both have alot going on. When time
permits, post from who and what you have received.

I love games!!!!! I will be having games through out the
month (with prizes), including BINGO. And for you gals that love the ponies,
the Kentucky Derby is soon to be (May 2). Stay tuned!

Many THANKS to Jeanne (sandlapper_rose) and Shirley (sjc48)
for bringing us FOTESS, "FRIENDS OF THE EARTH SIMPLE SWAPS" has been a joy.

Sign-ups begin now! Any q's, please ask.

Thanks much!


Comments (249)

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Today's first accomplishment. Should have taken a before pic cause this garden was full of thistle and other weeds. It was a three hour plus job. Just wish I could figure out why these pic post sideways.

  • 9 years ago

    Game 5 "DAYS OF MAY BINGO"

    Quickie fetches from the canines....

    1. May 18: National
      Cheese Soufflé Day

    13. May 7: National Roast Leg of Lamb Day

    Enjoy your day.....


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    Comments (77)
    Great packages arriving here. I just finished three swaps and all received the hand crafted spoon markers and I have received many inquiries as to how they are made. The following is a site where I found some for you guys to see what I am talking about. I love how they added the little plant stamps so will have to find out how they did that. I used new spoons I got on sale but have made some for myself from spoons I found at the Goodwill. My husband used a rubber mallet to flatten the spoon. I then purchased a steel stamping letter/number set. I just line these up on the spoon one letter at a time and bang them with a regular hammer about 25 times to assure they indent the spoon. We used a work table my husband has and placed a large garden border brick on that to bang on. When flattening the spoon, places an old towel over it so as not to scratch it up. These are very easy to stamp and I enjoy doing it. I plan to make many more for my gardens as these will last forever. Corinne, it is amazing to think what happened to that your beautiful gardens since the first pictures you posted. How powerful nature can be. Margo
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    Comments (71)
    Many on your list are right, Jayeanne, but not all so we are still playing the game! I'm adding 2 letters today "C" and "Y." _ l o r _ n c _ , South Carolina _ d n _ , Kansas _ _ _ l _ _ , Louisiana C _ _ r l o t t _ , North Carolina G _ n _ _ _ , New York _ _ _ _ s o n , West Virginia C _ l _ n _ , Ohio _ l _ c _ , Texas J _ _ n , Nevada L _ _ r _ l , Montana _ s _ l _ y, Michigan _ l _ _ _ n d _ _ _ , Minnesota L_ _ r _ l , Delaware L _ _ , New Hampshire _ _ t _ _ n y , Connecticut And so sorry to all, I forgot to include an "L" in the name for Ohio when I added the "L's". It's in there now. Jayeanne, I hope you feel better soon and hopefully the doctor will think everything is healing fine. If it's a spider bite, those are scary! For our swap: Vina and Jayanne will send to each other. (Jayeanne has received and has mailed to Vina.) Heidi and Katie will send to each other. (Both have received.) Jeanne will send to Annie. (Annie has received.) Annie will send to Janine. (Janine has received.) Janine will send to Jeanne. (Jeanne has received.) Have a great day! Jeanne
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    new: fotess may salad send off!


    Comments (124)
    Well, Ladies, it's time to close this swap! I'm glad everyone enjoyed it and I'd like to thank everyone who sent out recipes. A big thank you to everyone who responded, too. One thing: if you signed up for the swap and didn't get a recipe, please let me know, okay? Jeanne already has the June FOTESS swap up and running, check it out! We are going to take a break in July and I will be back in August with our 2nd Annual FOTESS Yard Sale! Last year's Yard Sale was fun and I'm sure this one will be too! Off to sit outside and enjoy a glass of vino! Shirley!
    ...See More

    May FOTESS Participation (Games and Photos for Group Members)


    Comments (130)
    I'm so sorry, but it doesn't look like I will get to more plant part questions. Perhaps I can try it again one month when I am hostess again. Congratulations to Nicole who won our Gardener's Derby Game and to Emily who is clearly first in the Plant Parts Game. I'll get little prizes send out early in June. Thanks to everyone for posting comments, pictures, and participating! We continue to have storms off and on and the humidity these past few days has been horrid. I heard someone say it is so oppressive because of two air masses that came together - all I know is you can hardly stand to be outside. Meanwhile, I'm arranging more times to get roofers and other people out here to evaluate damage and schedule repairs. The roofers can return on Monday which is great. The back part of the roof hasn't been repaired yet and I started getting interior leaks which correspond with where they still need to do repairs. This tree episode has been a nightmare, but the services I dealt had some very nice people to deal with so that has been much appreciated. (However, I'm glad I called LOTS of them because here it is over 2 months later and I haven't even gotten a return call from some of the tree services. I know they are busy, but they need to leave a message or something about how backed up they are.) Here's a picture of my gladiolus that's in bloom today. My plants seem to have loved all the rain. Of course, we have very sandy soil so they don't stay waterlogged in it.
    ...See More
  • 9 years ago

    Happy Memorial Day!

  • 9 years ago

    Happy Tuesday....



    Tonight is the deadline to post what "FRIENDS OF THE EARTH" means to you. Nicole is the only entry thus far....give the woman some competition....LOL!

    *Nicole submitted....FRIENDS OF THE EARTH mean we are all in this together to make this world a better place for you and for me.


    Playing "FOTESS MOMMIES" and giving THANKS to Jeanne and Shirley this month of May...........THANKS Jeanne and Shirley!!!!

    *Shirley...(brittneysgran)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Nicole...(bluee19)...SENT....Shirley REC/Jeanne REC

    *Darrin...(cryptid)....SENT....Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC

    *Erica...(ericabraun)....SENT...... Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC


    *Margo (smitties)...SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Heidi (xiangirl)....SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Katie (kchd)...SENT/SENDING

    *Faye (nottougly)....SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Mandy (l1onnes)...SENT...JeanneREC/Shirley REC

    *Beth (beth_b_kodiak)....SENT to Jeanne and Shirley

    *Annie...(canyonwind)...SENT to Jeanne and Shirley


    Game 2 "DAYS OF MAY BINGO".....

    And your fetches for today, courtesy of Labrador Baby J. Anyone have a winning card????

    25. May 29: National Coq Au Vin Day

    3. May 21: National Strawberries and Cream Day


    6. May 18: National Cheese Soufflé Day

    13. May 7: National Roast Leg of Lamb Day

    4. May 16: Love A Tree Day

    49. May 16....The 140th running of The Preakness Stakes

    15. May 2: National Truffles Day

    37. National Salsa Month

    32. Gifts From The Garden Month

    9. May 10: National Shrimp Day

    17. May 23: National Taffy Day

    30. May 20: Pick Strawberries Day

    38. May 15: National Chocolate Chip Day

    50. May 5: National Enchilada Day

    2. National Asparagus Month

    36. May 28: National Brisket Day

    23. May 9: National Moscato Day

    34. May 3: National Raspberry Tart Day

    12. May 26: National Cherry Dessert Day

    1. May 27: National Grape Popsicle Day

    21. National Hamburger Month

    48. National Salad Month

    20. May 22: National Vanilla Pudding Day

    47. Gardening For Wildlife Month

    8. May 24: National Escargot Day

    26. May 14: National Buttermilk Biscuit Day

    10. May 1: Mother Goose Day

    22. May 4: Bird Day

    14. National Photograph Month

    40. May 2...The 141st running of The Kentucky Derby

    29. National Barbecue Month

    7. May 30: National Mint Julep Day

    18. May 26: Sally Ride Day

    43. May 1: Loyalty Day

    35. May 11: Eat What You Want Day

    11. May 19: World Baking Day

    33. May 17: National Cherry Cobbler Day


    Have a fantastic day!!!


  • 9 years ago

    Miss Annie ~ I need three more words. I want to win so bad :)

  • 9 years ago

    Evening All!

    I only need two more words - thought you would never call National Roast Leg of Lamb Day! One of my all time favorites! Well, kinda!

    Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day. My little girls were up for the weekend, lots of fun!Got lots of gardening done too, they love to help water.

    Hope I'm not too late for this, but here is my take on what FOTESS means to me:

    F - riends, who come together in an

    O - ngoing circle of friendship,

    T - aking time to listen and enjoy everyone's

    E - nergy and excitement at something new, and

    S - haring our lives, happiness, woes and giving

    S - upport and love.

    We really are quite a great bunch!


  • 9 years ago
    Game 5 entry:

    A FOTESS Limerick

    A fanciful group of lasses (& Darrin)
    Who's gardens so greatly surpasses
    Their kindness abounds
    When swaps make the rounds
    And seeds are shared with the masses


    Well, I've been w/o internet for a week. Signing in with my iPhone. Hope the new router arrives tomorrow....

    Mailed off to Shirley and Jeanne both on Saturday. I suspect they will arrive soon. Sorry for being late, ladies!

    Word is our house will be done by July 4th. Words cannot describe how happy I will be when that day arrives. Hahaha!! Here's a recent photo:
  • 9 years ago

    Katie your home is beautiful...I can remember building our first home, what fun it was.


    I think of the treasures.

    We receive with pleasure.

    We plant our flowers in the ground.

    And wait for blooms to come around.

    We have a very special bond,

    we knew it from the start.

    We'll have this FOTESS group forever

    We're friends, heart to heart.


  • 9 years ago




    *Nicole (bluee19)

    *sjc48 Shirley

    *brittneysgran Shirley

    *Katie (kchd)

    Nicole has already sent me her vote....Shirley (sjc..), Shirley (brittneys....), Katie and other FOTESSERS, when you get a chance, email me off your vote for your favorite.

    I so enjoyed reading these.............a different twist from each of you!!


    Playing "FOTESS MOMMIES" and giving THANKS to Jeanne and Shirley this month of May...........THANKS Jeanne and Shirley!!!!

    *Shirley...(brittneysgran)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Nicole...(bluee19)...SENT....Shirley REC/Jeanne REC

    *Darrin...(cryptid)....SENT....Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC

    *Erica...(ericabraun)....SENT...... Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC


    *Margo (smitties)...SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Heidi (xiangirl)....SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Katie (kchd)...SENT to Jeanne and Shirley

    *Faye (nottougly)....SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Mandy (l1onnes)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Beth (beth_b_kodiak)....SENT to Jeanne and Shirley

    *Annie...(canyonwind)...SENT to Jeanne and Shirley


    Game 2 "DAYS OF MAY BINGO".....

    Inquiring canines want to know................anyone got BINGO? Brutus has chosen the following just for you.....Good Luck!

    16. May 6: National Crêpes Suzette Day

    44. May 13: Frog Jumping Day


    25. May 29: National Coq Au Vin Day

    3. May 21: National Strawberries and Cream Day

    6. May 18: National Cheese Soufflé Day

    13. May 7: National Roast Leg of Lamb Day

    4. May 16: Love A Tree Day

    49. May 16....The 140th running of The Preakness Stakes

    15. May 2: National Truffles Day

    37. National Salsa Month

    32. Gifts From The Garden Month

    9. May 10: National Shrimp Day

    17. May 23: National Taffy Day

    30. May 20: Pick Strawberries Day

    38. May 15: National Chocolate Chip Day

    50. May 5: National Enchilada Day

    2. National Asparagus Month

    36. May 28: National Brisket Day

    23. May 9: National Moscato Day

    34. May 3: National Raspberry Tart Day

    12. May 26: National Cherry Dessert Day

    1. May 27: National Grape Popsicle Day

    21. National Hamburger Month

    48. National Salad Month

    20. May 22: National Vanilla Pudding Day

    47. Gardening For Wildlife Month

    8. May 24: National Escargot Day

    26. May 14: National Buttermilk Biscuit Day

    10. May 1: Mother Goose Day

    22. May 4: Bird Day

    14. National Photograph Month

    40. May 2...The 141st running of The Kentucky Derby

    29. National Barbecue Month

    7. May 30: National Mint Julep Day

    18. May 26: Sally Ride Day

    43. May 1: Loyalty Day

    35. May 11: Eat What You Want Day

    11. May 19: World Baking Day

    33. May 17: National Cherry Cobbler Day


    Happy Wednesday....


  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Katie, your house looks so beautiful! I know it must be hard to wait for it to be completed.

    Annie, this is like the Bingo that never ends. I thought for sure someone would have it by now. Not me though. I still need 2 more.

    Some wonderful goodies arrived in the mail yesterday. From Beth I received a lovely card and a pack of blue decorative butterflies. They are beautiful! From Katie I received a lovely note and 5 different kinds of fabric. They are beautiful and you know quilters get excited to receive new fabric. From Annie I received a candy bar (it's waiting until after I see the surgeon on June 18, but I assure you - I will love it) and an angel/fairy to be placed in a fairy garden... and also my prize from the Kentucky Derby which is $2 (just right to place a bet) and some zinnia seeds. Thanks so much everyone!

    Yesterday was my 42nd wedding anniversary. My husband and I went out to eat but that was about it. I was just happy to find a restaurant where I could eat what I am limited to on my diet. It's working well, but I think I'll be craving some other foods soon. Fighting down the temptation...


  • 9 years ago

    Hey Everyone! Happy Wednesday!

    Annie, just sent my vote, let me know when you get it, please!

    We had severe T-storms come thro today, lasted all afternoon. Still raining.

    I only need one more word for Bingo!

    I am surprised by what is sprouting and growing in this cool weather. My pansies are starting to bloom, but they are a cool weather plant, no suprises there, but the basils are sprouting and growing like crazy-they aren't supposed to like a lot of water, or cold weather. Strange.

    Received two cards today! Katie and Annie, thank you so much!

    Katie sent a very neat kitty card, gardening gloves and hand lotion. I use a lot of that during the planting season! Thank you, Katie! The house looks so great, I can imagine how eager you are to get moved in.

    Annie, I had to laugh at the $2! I'll probably use it to buy lottery tickets. I'm munching on that HUGE candy bar, as we speak, and the Zinnia seeds are going in as soon as it quits raining or when the weekend hits, whichever comes first! My granddaughters were up this weekend and were showing me how they can jump rope, so the little gardening fairy jumping rope was totally appropriate! Annie, thank you!

    In related news, I'll be posting June's Swap on Sunday. You're gonna love it!

    No, Really!


  • 9 years ago

    Game 5 "FRIENDS OF THE EARTH"......

    I have received votes from Nicole, Katie and Shirley (sjc48). Brittneysgran and other FOTESSERS, I will keep the voting open until later tomorrow afternoon. Email me with your vote for your favorite.

    BINGO....tight race going on. I think there are 11 yummy fetch's left in the dog bowl......

    Shirley, good luck on the lottery............I love to play LOTTO. Looking forward to JUNE FOTESS!

    Until tomorrow......


  • 9 years ago

    I still need three more words Miss Annie, come on, tell your doggies to pick my words, tell them Auntie Nicole will give them a treat, wink wink :)-

  • 9 years ago

    Fotess buddies, if you want to see awesome IRIS and peony photos, look over on the daylily forum, on the "Dry Summer Threatening?" thread. Best photos ever. Money back guarantee. Mary

  • 9 years ago

    Two more BINGO words for me.

  • 9 years ago

    I have two more to go as well. My guess is someone is going to have Bingo today.

    Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby Jeanne. This year is 36 for my husband and I. It goes by fast doesn't it.

    We had all those storms and rain yesterday too Shirley. It came in four waves. Before I left the house to run an errand, I dumped 1 1/2 inches from the rain gauge and then more came. Not a good time for us. We have about 3 acres to mow and the ride on is in the shop getting fixed.

    Katie, I have been following pics on Facebook of your new house and it is looking fabulous!!! The colors you have chosen are amazing. I am excited for you.

    Off to work. I am not sure if anyone here is from Texas but be safe. My son lives north of Dallas and so far has dodged everything. It does worry a mom.


  • 9 years ago

    Good day FOTESSERS,

    Jeanne, Happy Belated Anniversary......

    I would like to thank all of you for joining in and showing appreciation and giving thanks to our FOUNDING MUMMIES, Jeanne and Shirley......two grand ladies! Such a pleasure to FOTESS with each of you!! Thanks again for all of your time, energy, dedication and your "creative juices" injected in to the FOTESS swaps. Cheers (with my coffee cup) to many more fun FOTESS swaps!!





    *Nicole (bluee19)

    *sjc48 Shirley

    *brittneysgran Shirley

    *Katie (kchd)

    Nicole, Shirley (sjc..), Shirley (brittneys....) and Katie have emailed me their votes. If any other FOTESSERS care to vote for their favorite, email me by 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific.


    Playing "FOTESS MOMMIES" and giving THANKS to Jeanne and Shirley this month of May...........THANKS Jeanne and Shirley!!!!

    It looks like Shirley is waiting to receive from Beth who sent out last week. Jeanne received from Beth, so Shirley should be receiving anytime. I/We have not heard from Peggy lately, so I will email her with a reminder to not forget about our bosses, Jeanne and Shirley....LOL!! I don't think we want to tick them off.....hahahaha!

    *Shirley...(brittneysgran)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Nicole...(bluee19)...SENT....Shirley REC/Jeanne REC

    *Darrin...(cryptid)....SENT....Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC

    *Erica...(ericabraun)....SENT...... Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC


    *Margo (smitties)...SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Heidi (xiangirl)....SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Katie (kchd)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Faye (nottougly)....SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Mandy (l1onnes)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Beth (beth_b_kodiak)....SENT to Shirley and Jeanne....Jeanne REC

    *Annie...(canyonwind)...SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC


    Game 2 "DAYS OF MAY BINGO".....

    Well, Margo thinks today is the day the "B" word will be called!!! The canines do have minds of their own and decided to fetch....fetch....fetch x 3 today....GOOD LUCK!! Could it be you???? Anybody????????

    28. May 31: National Macaroon Day

    42. May 9: Bird Mother's Day

    5. May 1: National Chocolate Parfait Day


    16. May 6: National Crêpes Suzette Day

    44. May 13: Frog Jumping Day

    25. May 29: National Coq Au Vin Day

    3. May 21: National Strawberries and Cream Day

    6. May 18: National Cheese Soufflé Day

    13. May 7: National Roast Leg of Lamb Day

    4. May 16: Love A Tree Day

    49. May 16....The 140th running of The Preakness Stakes

    15. May 2: National Truffles Day

    37. National Salsa Month

    32. Gifts From The Garden Month

    9. May 10: National Shrimp Day

    17. May 23: National Taffy Day

    30. May 20: Pick Strawberries Day

    38. May 15: National Chocolate Chip Day

    50. May 5: National Enchilada Day

    2. National Asparagus Month

    36. May 28: National Brisket Day

    23. May 9: National Moscato Day

    34. May 3: National Raspberry Tart Day

    12. May 26: National Cherry Dessert Day

    1. May 27: National Grape Popsicle Day

    21. National Hamburger Month

    48. National Salad Month

    20. May 22: National Vanilla Pudding Day

    47. Gardening For Wildlife Month

    8. May 24: National Escargot Day

    26. May 14: National Buttermilk Biscuit Day

    10. May 1: Mother Goose Day

    22. May 4: Bird Day

    14. National Photograph Month

    40. May 2...The 141st running of The Kentucky Derby

    29. National Barbecue Month

    7. May 30: National Mint Julep Day

    18. May 26: Sally Ride Day

    43. May 1: Loyalty Day

    35. May 11: Eat What You Want Day

    11. May 19: World Baking Day

    33. May 17: National Cherry Cobbler Day


    Enjoy the day....


  • 9 years ago

    Good Morning everyone!

    I need one more word for BINGO :)

  • 9 years ago

    I need just one word two. Probably the same word as Nicole, LOL.

    It is definitely going to happen any minute now. Good luck everyone. Margo

  • 9 years ago

    One word and waiting! The suspense is awful!

    My boss and her husband created a fairy garden using an old drawer, it was so cute! Got me investigating and I found the broken pot fairy gardens - gonna have to try one of these!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday,


  • 9 years ago

    I am down to one word too! It looks like all of us are going to end up getting it at the same time! Have a great Friday - hopefully it is a nice one for everyone.


  • 9 years ago

    Two words, here. :)

  • 9 years ago

    Happy Friday..................

    I emailed Peggy yesterday, so will see if we hear from her. Hopefully, she is OK!


    Time to announce the winner of GAME 5 "FRIENDS OF THE EARTH"....................

    Well, there are four winners.........a four way tie.....Nicole, Shirley (sjc48), Shirley (brittneysgran) and Katie (khdc). No tiebreaker here. Each of you are more than deserving of the WIN. Each of you brought something different to the table. Congratulations!


    Game 2 "DAYS OF MAY BINGO".....

    Holy Toledo, no winner!!! Hopefully, everyone is checking their BINGO card!!

    The canines thought their duties were done, for sure, but back to the fetching bowl!!!! Three fetches this morning.....Labrador Baby J has chosen two yummies and German Shepherd Brutus has chosen one. Are you ready? Here we go........ Good Luck! Anybody???????

    27. May 5: National Hoagie Day

    46. May 25: National Brown-Bag-It Day

    39. May 12: National Nutty Fudge Day


    28. May 31: National Macaroon Day

    42. May 9: Bird Mother's Day

    5. May 1: National Chocolate Parfait Day

    16. May 6: National Crêpes Suzette Day

    44. May 13: Frog Jumping Day

    25. May 29: National Coq Au Vin Day

    3. May 21: National Strawberries and Cream Day

    6. May 18: National Cheese Soufflé Day

    13. May 7: National Roast Leg of Lamb Day

    4. May 16: Love A Tree Day

    49. May 16....The 140th running of The Preakness Stakes

    15. May 2: National Truffles Day

    37. National Salsa Month

    32. Gifts From The Garden Month

    9. May 10: National Shrimp Day

    17. May 23: National Taffy Day

    30. May 20: Pick Strawberries Day

    38. May 15: National Chocolate Chip Day

    50. May 5: National Enchilada Day

    2. National Asparagus Month

    36. May 28: National Brisket Day

    23. May 9: National Moscato Day

    34. May 3: National Raspberry Tart Day

    12. May 26: National Cherry Dessert Day

    1. May 27: National Grape Popsicle Day

    21. National Hamburger Month

    48. National Salad Month

    20. May 22: National Vanilla Pudding Day

    47. Gardening For Wildlife Month

    8. May 24: National Escargot Day

    26. May 14: National Buttermilk Biscuit Day

    10. May 1: Mother Goose Day

    22. May 4: Bird Day

    14. National Photograph Month

    40. May 2...The 141st running of The Kentucky Derby

    29. National Barbecue Month

    7. May 30: National Mint Julep Day

    18. May 26: Sally Ride Day

    43. May 1: Loyalty Day

    35. May 11: Eat What You Want Day

    11. May 19: World Baking Day

    33. May 17: National Cherry Cobbler Day


    Enjoy your day.....


  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That's a BINGO for me with National Brown-Bag-It Day! I'm sure there are going to be a few more winners with three dates picked! Happy Friday! Congrats to Nicole, Shirley (sjc48), Shirley (brittneysgran) and Katie (khdc) your win in game five!


  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    congrats Mandy on Bingo! I still need one more word for Bingo.

    It's truly Happy Friday!! I won Friends of the Earth game! Horray!!

    But in reality we are all WINNERS!!!

  • 9 years ago

    Well, that was fast.....Congrats Mandy! If anyone else has BINGO call it and you will WIN too!

    Happy Day.....


  • 9 years ago

    Congrats to all the winners today!

  • 9 years ago

    Congrats to all the winners! I had a Bingo with National Hoagie Day!

    Beautiful day here today, high humidity tho.

    Happy Weekend, Everybody!


  • 9 years ago

    I was watching for National Nutty fudge day for a win. Totally forgot to check to see if the Bingo words were chosen before I started work.

    I also forgot to vote on the members creativity. Congrats everyone as you all did a great job.

    We had to mark our basils half off at work today due to a fungus they are developing. People can pick the nice ones and get them half off and if they buy several, we throw one or two in for free. It is such a shame but there has been so much rain and the weather was pretty chilly when we first got them. It is such a crap shoot when these plants arrive. More rain tomorrow too.

    Have a good weekend. Margo

  • 9 years ago

    I received a message from Mary that I am supposed to call BINGO and I totally missed that post.


  • 9 years ago
    LoL @ all the winners! Annie, you are a prize awarding queen!
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Congratulations to the winners! That Bingo game was a long one. I was still waiting for Iris Day. It figures - none of my irises have bloomed this year and I think it's past the time when I get blossoms, if I do.

    Also, I can't let this month end without a big THANK YOU going out to all of you! Annie, thanks for thinking of this sweet idea and thank you to everyone who joined in and made this month so special for me and Shirley. I know some wanted to join in and couldn't because of various reasons and we understand. Just know that we think this group is so special.

    If you didn't read posts around the time this group began, my motivation was that some of the GardenWeb swaps had gotten to be expensive to participate in and the postage was soaring. (Not that I don't enjoy some bigger swaps from time to time.) Shirley and I discussed it and wanted some smaller swaps where it was easier and less expensive to participate in them. We wanted swaps to be "friendly to the Earth" so we added swaps where you recycled or sent seeds or thought about the birds and the butterflies. We're glad our swaps attracted attention and so glad that each one of you joined our group.

    Annie, you are so creative when you are hostess and I appreciated all the horse racing games. Some of you will wonder if I go to the track ... no, but I wish I could. I was there in person with my two daughters and aunt and uncle once for the Belmont and would occasionally go to watch races when we lived in New York State. The last time I got to watch horse races in person was 2012 when I traveled with a friend and we watched a few of the races in the Finger Lakes region. However, I watch all of the Triple Crown races on TV and sometimes think to tune in for other important races.

    Shirley, your ideas for the month are always very creative as well ... will be watching for the new one for June!


  • 9 years ago

    Having one of my "party" groups over today, so in a hurry!

    BINGO for Shirley (sjc), Margo and Mandy....anyone else?????? Make sure and check yesterdays fetches to see if you are a winner....and then call BINGO!! Congrats to the winners!! The canines send their Congratulations as well. They love playing BINGO with you all.

    Must run!!


  • 9 years ago

    Thank you Annie for another excellent job as hostess. You're the best.

  • 9 years ago

    Happy Saturday Every1 :)

    I DITTO what smitties said, always fun when Miss Annie hosts.

  • 9 years ago

    I wanted to start updating my trade list and it has disappeared..... any suggestions please.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Go under you profile then click advance settings and scroll down until you see your trade list.

  • 9 years ago

    Happy Sunday...

    This week I will work on prizes!! I will post when I send out.

    Shirley (sjc48) will be posting the JUNE FOTESS Swap today/soon. Oh what will Shirley have in store for us???

    I received an email from Peggy. She sent our FOTESS MOMMIES, Jeanne and Shirley, their cards on Friday. We are almost a wrap here....waiting on Peggy cards to be received and Shirleys card from Beth.

    Playing "FOTESS MOMMIES" and giving THANKS to Jeanne and Shirley this month of May...........THANKS Jeanne and Shirley!!!!

    *Shirley...(brittneysgran)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Nicole...(bluee19)...SENT....Shirley REC/Jeanne REC

    *Darrin...(cryptid)....SENT....Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC

    *Erica...(ericabraun)....SENT...... Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC

    *Peggy...(canfan)....SENT to Jeanne and Shirley

    *Margo (smitties)...SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Heidi (xiangirl)....SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Katie (kchd)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Faye (nottougly)....SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Mandy (l1onnes)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Beth (beth_b_kodiak)....SENT to Shirley and Jeanne....Jeanne REC

    *Annie...(canyonwind)...SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC


    Have a wonderful day....


  • 9 years ago

    Evening All!

    Wow, what a change in the weather! Yesterday was very nice, not too hot, got the back and side yards done, did all the fun shopping, ie, Pat Catans, Lowes and flower buying. Saved the front yard and grocery shopping for today, which, in retrospect, was a pathetic idea! It rained ALL day, literally poured, so the front yard is not done, and the grocery shopping was even more miserable than it usually is! It was in the low 40s, couldn't believe it!

    In any event, I just wanted to, once again, thank everyone who participated in the swap this month. The cards and gifts were a joy to receive, thank you all for taking the time to join in! And I also want to thank ALL of our members - you are ALL a great bunch of Ladies! And of course, a Gent too!

    A Special Thank You goes out to Annie, our hostess this month. It was a great idea, and lots of fun! Good Job, Annie, Thank you!

    I'll be posting the June swap in a little while. Hope to see lots of members taking part!


  • 9 years ago

    Shirley -- I can hardly wait. I'm excited to see what you have in store for us!

  • 9 years ago

    SJC48, I confess I still owe you some mail!!!!!
    This dummy sent the Fotessmommies card to the other Shirley. Well, she deserves a reward too. LOL
    So, I'll be sending you another special surprise in the next couple days. Your gifts have added so much to my garden over the recent years & I think of you most every day as I look at what is blooming. I can't find a wish list for you but I know you are the butterfly queen on this group so I'm fluttering away to put on my thinking cap.
    Thanks for your patience and understanding

  • 9 years ago

    Hi Everyone!

    Beth, like I said in the new swap, please don't stress over this!

    AND!!!! Thank you, Peggy, for the card and seeds! Just got them today. The card's sentiments were perfect for this swap and Nasturciums are one of my all time favorite annuals. This was very much appreciated! You nailed it, Lady, Thank you!


  • 9 years ago

    No stress, I'm too old for that stuff. I'm having fun

  • 9 years ago

    In a swap someone gave me the cutest little lizard statue. My daughter put it in the garden and yesterday it scared the pants off me! So Fotessing keeps on giving long after the giver gives. He's adorable and now I know where he is! Heidi

  • 9 years ago

    Beth....LOL!!! It is all about fun!!!!! Confusion makes it even more fun!!!

    Playing "FOTESS MOMMIES" and giving THANKS to Jeanne and Shirley this past month of May...........THANKS Jeanne and Shirley!!!!

    *Shirley...(brittneysgran)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Nicole...(bluee19)...SENT....Shirley REC/Jeanne REC

    *Darrin...(cryptid)....SENT....Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC

    *Erica...(ericabraun)....SENT...... Jeanne REC/ Shirley REC

    *Peggy...(canfan)....SENT to Jeanne and Shirley...Shirley REC

    *Margo (smitties)...SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Heidi (xiangirl)....SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Katie (kchd)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Faye (nottougly)....SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Mandy (l1onnes)...SENT...Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    *Beth (beth_b_kodiak)....SENT to Shirley and Shirley (LOL!) and Jeanne....Jeanne REC

    *Annie...(canyonwind)...SENT....Jeanne REC/Shirley REC

    Happy Wednesday!


  • 9 years ago

    I received a lovely card from Peggy with a package of nasturtium seeds. Thanks so much, Peggy. I love to grow these.

    We've had 2 really bad thunderstorms in a row. In about 3 hours last night we got 5 inches of rain and 3 inches the evening before. Wow! All the rain doesn't bother me as much as the lightning. There was so much of it. Meanwhile, my cucumber are growing very happily and already have flowers.

    Everyone stay safe in these summer storms.


  • 9 years ago

    Hooray for American Pharoah and his jockey for winning the triple crown!!! Yeah, baybee!!! :)

  • 9 years ago

    Hay...... just a quick hello.... and good night... had some things to take care of these past few weeks so that is what has been up with me. Garden is producing lettuce, radishes, peas... All threat of frost has past... it was 96 degrees today.... ended up buying squash(s) and egg plant and annuals for containers. Hope to get the vegies in the ground tomorrow. Shirley and Jeanne... again... thank you for all you do to keep the FOTESS'er on track and Annie.... YOU ROCK...for taking on this swap and making it extra special! See ya all again.... real soon!

  • 9 years ago

    Prizes for the month of May are just about ready to hit the PO. I should get them all out tomorrow or Tuesday.

    Happy Sunday!


  • 9 years ago

    Prizes have been sent finally. Sorry for the delay!

    IMPORTANT....PLEASE DO NOT POST your prizes here. Email me to let me know you received!! I do have a reason for my request. OK!! I wrote this in each note to you as well. Hopefully, you can read my writing.....

    Some of you were multiple prize winners, The note I sent to you will explain. Don't get to excited, they are just little prizes...LOL!

    Prizes sent today too....

    Nicole (prize x2)

    Faye (prize x1)

    Darrin (prize x1)

    Shirley brittneysgran (prize x3)

    Erica (prize x1)

    Katie (prize x1)

    Margo (prize x2)

    Shirley sjc48 (prize x2) you won another prize but you already rec

    Mandy (prize x1)

    Heidi (prize x1)

    Jeanne already rec her prize

    If I missed anyone, please speak up or email me.

    Happy Tuesday......
