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How old is too old for long hair?

9 years ago

Yes, this is a silly self-absorbed question, but I'd love to hear some objective opinions.

I am almost 43, and I've been fighting my haystack of hair all my life. I have red, curly hair with a mind of its own. I have had more than one little girl tell me I look like Merida from Brave (Disney movie.) I have worn it long ever since a disastrous bob in 1985. Keeping it long is the only way to weigh the curl down enough to keep it manageable. I have long layers to give it some shape, and it's about chest length.

If I go shorter, it starts going pyramidal- think Roseanne Roseannadanna. Adding more layers or thinning creates tons of frizz. Cutting bangs is a bad idea that I have nonetheless tried many times. I have had countless tears-inducing haircuts. Straightening my hair takes over an hour, and I just don't have the time or will to do it.

I am concerned that it's not age appropriate, and doesn't look professional. Friends/family tell me it's fine, I get lots of compliments, but what do I do as I get older?

In addition, my red is fading, from dark copper to more strawberry blonde. I'm getting white hairs along my hairline and on the crown. I have gotten lowlights and colored glaze, but I always think the color looks artificial. My DH hates it when I color, and would prefer I leave it natural. But, it makes me feel old and washed out when I leave it alone.

Can you tell I spend too much time thinking about this? Shall I become an older lady with a bun? Crew cut? Wig?

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