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Recommended general fertilizer for house plants?

9 years ago

I have a few different green leafy things, random cuttings, and pothos, some potted and some in jars of water. Does anybody have recommendations for a good fertilizer for either application, or ideally one I could use for both? For instance, could I buy Jobe spikes and dissolve some in water to make a liquid version?

I'm wary of Miracle Gro - I have some pothos still recovering from a single accidental MG overdose a year ago, so I know I need to go easy. I realize that was my fault, but I've had poor results with a variety of their products. I see some people say not to fertilize pothos at all, but my vines (and other cuttings) sitting in pure water don't grow much, so I'd like to give those guys just a drop of help.

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