my goldfish plant won't bloom
9 years ago
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- 9 years ago
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Gladiolus won't bloom great plant
Comments (5)Justus---as pointed out what you have been feeding your glads may have a lot to do with how they flower....if they flower. Perhaps your bed is close to a lawn area where you feed it high nitrogen on a regular basis. Sooner or later, after years of enriching the lawn area with high nitrogen, it can have an effect on how well (if) your plants thrive. Many times, plants will the production of foliage...and deny flowering. That can be put right at the feet of the nitrogen that is causing the plant to grow--but refuse to bloom. Glads are encouraged to be in soil that drains well and fed superphosphate or bone meal in early spring and thereafter fed a fertilizer such as 5/10/10 when spikes begin to develop. You in California are encouraged also to plant species that are planted when it is cooler. It is advised you stay away from those that need to be planted during the high heat season. Then too, due to your heat and lot of sun, it is suggested that you put the plants in deep...6" at least....See MoreThe Plants That Won't Give Up Trying To Bloom
Comments (10)Did I see that Dawiff? Did you say you are starting over with a new garden and it's totally fenced? hoping you won't have to deal with the 4 legged things? Dream on girl, dream on. If the groundhog finds his delights in your garden, no fence in the world will keep him/her out. Remember they dig under ground, live under ground, make miles and miles of tunnels under ground. No obstacle is to big, to high, to low or dug down to deep to prevent them from filling their stomachs. And just to make life more miserable for us folks, they will climb a fence if they have to, to get their favorites. I just that "Chuck" would decide to climb my chain link fence and get him/herself empalled (however you spell it) on all the sharp spokes on the top of it. I know, not nice, but after the destruction I have had, the tree that came down next door today in the wind and soaking rains, and get told that it was a healthy tree with barely any roots to hold it cause the ground hog chewed up all the roots; well it's hard to feel compassion for them. So how late can you plant perennials in your "new found warm zone'? Thinking that if it's long enough and late enough, I might be able to get those daylilies you have wanted from my yard, and I don't want, dug out and shipped priority mail to you in the fall. If not this fall, then you will be stuck with them next spring. Sooner, don't think that a groundhog can't get into really small places, trust me they can flatten their fat bodies and squish through all kinds of places that you think it coudn't fit through. Valiche, I've been looking forward to the blooms on my vesuvius for a long time, just hope no one decides that the buds will taste better than looking at the flowers. Poor "Miss Lupin" had another tough day. Even in the rain, the groundhog was sticking it's body right behind her and waiting to attack. Twice I screamed through the door to scare him/her off and hopefully their are 2 flowers left. Fran...See Moreplant won't bloom
Comments (1)Hi - I'm SE PA- zone 6. I'm just now starting to see tiny buds forming on some of my hydrangeas, but only on ones that get a lot of sun. The ones that are in shadier spots are not showing any buds yet at all. Hopefully you will start to see some soon! Good luck!...See MoreWhy won't my clethra bloom already?!
Comments (1)I don't know if they are taking longer than normal to bloom, but if the Miracle grow soil is rich in nitrogen, it will have lush growth but not blooms....See MoreRelated Professionals
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Laura (Z5a Fort Collins, Colorado)