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Planting harneck garlic in spring (zone 2b)

9 years ago

Life got in the way of getting my garlic in this past fall. Nothing I could have done about it, unfortunately. I'm fully aware that this is not how hardnecks are supposed to be done. I'm
looking to salvage what I can of my supply so I don't have to start from
square one again.

The cloves cured very well and haven't sprouted yet. They have been indoors, however, and *not* exposed to cold.

If I plant these hardneck cloves as soon as the soil can be worked, do I need to adjust the depth (or any other factor) because I'm planting these in the spring, or can I just plant in the same manner I would have in fall (only in spring)? Will these sprout even though they haven't had cold exposure? Are there other steps I can take at this late date which would still help?


So you have an idea of our climate and garden...
Spring temperatures (aka. anything above zero, lol) seem to
have arrived early in Saskatchewan (knock on wood), but it'll still be
some time before the snow is gone and we can get into our heavy soil
(predominantly silt with a heavy clay subsoil). Traditional planting out
weekend is Victoria Day weekend here (last Monday before May 25). We can
usually put peas in at the end of April or beginning of May if I prepped
the soil in fall (which we didn't last fall). Have to wait an extra week or two if we didn't do fall prep otherwise we'll wreck the soil structure (turn it into rock-like clumps, as clay tends to do).

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