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bok choy eaten - spinosad? other solutions?

hi all -
so i've got lots of cooler season veggies sprouting - beets, radish, kale, spinach, bok choy - and the bok choy has been mostly eaten up. the seedlings are maybe 3 inches tall - but mostly eaten up. looks like caterpillars probably. they don't seem to be going after the other brassicas? am i just lucky so far or is it acting like a catch crop?

i got out my captain jacks dead bug aka spinosad and then saw on the label that in the state of georgia you aren't supposed to spray it on bok coy in home gardens. anyone know why?

maybe i need to pick up some bt - and my question about that is - will it kill them fast enough to save these plants or is it a longer term control? like they'll munch away and then go croak later?

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