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Septoria leaf spot: Help!... need advice!!

9 years ago

After having tomatoes that were the envy of the
community for years, we have had our crops completely wiped out for 3 straight
years now from a combination of Septoria and late blight. We have tried
switching garden spot to over 0.5 miles, got new tomato cages, tried
pruning off infected branches as they developed, and it still kills our
tomatoes! I hate the thought of spaying, but I don't know what else to try. We
try to grow 60-100 plants each year for salsa and canning, so it is a
devastating loss! If we do have to spray, what should we use that will be
effective, and least harmful to us? I have heard Serenade works... it has
worked for me on powdery mildew, but I haven't tried it on Septoria. Anyone
have great success with anything? I hear copper sprays are effective, but are
they dangerous? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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