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laundry - not glamorous but stain removal etc?

9 years ago

I have never been brand loyal with laundry detergents, but definitely have a preference for some (and scent if a big factor). I do laundry constantly- and am usually pretty good at it. Lately it seems stains are not coming out. ( If something is stained, I will typically not put it in the dryer and possibly re-wash to get the stain out or at least not "set" the stain).

My husband came up with the suggestion that maybe they have changed the formulas?

I would sometimes use a stain remove, but I even bought oxiclean which I remembered (in the past) was super effective and now it is no better than any other.

So- is there a stain treatment product you really like?

(This also includes whites- as in socks. I have started even trying bleach which I NEVER did before, and the bottoms of the socks remain a nice gray).

Any tips?

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