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I have been having fun raising a small number of seedlings from some of my favorite roses. Sowed the seeds in November 2014. Germinations started I think in early January. Some roses seem to take longer than others. Funny thing I've noticed is that roses with the best tasting hips, to garden creatures such as birds and squirrels, also seem to be the most tempting to smaller garden critters, like slugs, that slip through the cover over the seedlings meant to keep out bigger rose-eaters. One of the doubly tasty ones is R. primula.

Here's a photo of the nursery:

On the white tags I write in pencil the name of the seed parent, the number of seeds in that pot, and the date planted. All seeds were open pollinated so I don't know the daddies (maybe the milkman?). These photos were taken on February 13 so there are more babies now than then and the already sprouted ones are bigger. The far right column are all R. primula, the next column to the left is all R. fedschenkoana, the next column's pots don't all have the same seeds (bottom pot, the bigger one has a President Dutailly seedling showing), and the furthest column to the left has pots with seeds from different roses. Probably a better place to locate this tray would be somewhere off the ground, away from hungry mouths, and I should get some kind of a screen.

Two seedlings of R. primula:

A seedling of fedschenkoana:

Anybody else raising baby roses?

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