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Anyone built or seen built Frank Betz's Northfield Manor?

10 years ago

We've been working on a custom plan for years (everything drawn up and paid for already) but recently tired of it - what a waste of time and $$! But as much as we hate to admit it, we just aren't "feeling it" anymore.

Recently we saw the below plan by Frank Betz and fell in love. The floor plan needs very few changes and with a walk-out basement it will fit nicely on our lot. Our only concern is that the neighborhood where we purchased land is full of rather large - or at least large-seeming - houses. The minimum size for the neighborhood is 3000 (recently lowered to that after the housing crunch) so it's not like the house has to be really large (this plan is 3800 + 600 bonus), but we're just not sure this house fits. Our initial impression was WOW, but now we think the house just has a small-looking front elevation to it. Are we crazy??

We would LOVE to see more photos of this house but even after contacting Frank Betz Associates we can't seem to find anyone who has built it (they are understandably unwilling to share that information). We are even willing to drive/fly to see the house in person - don't judge, we're (annoyingly, even to ourselves) picky and want to get this right this time!

So, anyone know where this house has been built, or at least have some photos that would give us a better impression of it? Thanks for indulging our craziness!

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