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Time for new rugs!

10 years ago

Excited but nervous.

I take a lot of time before making decisions and executing them. An inordinate amount of time.
As in a few years.
It used to be the paranoia of making a mistake since I couldn't get a handle on my decorating style.

Found that.

For a few years now I've been able to read lots of decorating blogs, read lots of decorating magazines, read through GW and appreciate the wide and varying styles w/o feeling the need, want nor desire to change my home's style. Tweak, inspire and build upon, yes, but change? No.

Got my colors.
Got my furniture.
Got my accessories.
Got my lighting.

You may have noticed that 'Got my rugs' wasn't on my list.

Due to the $$$$ of some core items, I choose to take very inexpensive options (sales, 2nd hand stores, IKEA) for a test drive first. If it doesn't work, I haven't wasted a ton of money and I can keep researching for the best option for us. If it works then when it is worn through or finally breaks I upgrade to a better product in the same style.

For awhile now I've lived w/ 2 completely different types of rugs in 2 heavily used rooms in our home and have been able to come to a conclusion on what will work so I'm ready to step it up.

The flat weaved jute absolutely fell apart over the last 3yrs in our LR. It is now a horrible tripping hazard and I am worried that someone will hurt themselves soon. For the record I have a natural grass rug in our MBR that I adore!

I have 2 extremely low pile rugs in our office/ playroom that seem to have worked out very well for the family but they are lightweight so they move constantly (even w/ various rug grips) and are very thin. The money was right on though to find out so it has not been wasted.

I've chosen some options for the LR and hope that you may be able to help me decide what would be the best rug look wise for our room. There are 1 or 2 that I really like but am on the fence about. I won't say which 2 because I want to hear from you and see if you are thinking/ seeing the same thing that I am.

The best way for me to describe the look and feel that is me is through our art & photography. I love my collection of black and white photo's in black frames and while classic, feel that they lack warmth. They give me a crisp, excited, bright feeling though. Antique daguerreotype photos (grey scale w/ warmth) give me the warmth that I crave w/o the heavy color that I find makes me feel anxious and heavy hearted. Sprinkled here and there are old landscape lithographs in old gold frames which give me the color & subtle sophistication that I crave but truly just can't tolerate everywhere w/o feeling overwhelmed.

Here is our LR (this is totally un-accessorized as it was a picture to gauge it for putting the house on the market):


Office/ playroom:

Daguerreotypes that I feel capture my 'core' color palette:

Rugs that I am looking at for purchase:









I need my daily spaces to be light, bright and 'crisp' but still warm feeling to keep my emotional balance in check if that makes any sense.

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