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Early Review: New Jenn Air Slide in Gas Range

So I've been living with my Jenn-Air JGS1450DP (professional version) gas range for about 3 weeks now so I thought I'd post my initial thoughts. I must be one of the very first people to get one of these in the country.

To preface things a bit. I'm a pretty serious foodie and cook dinner 6 nights a week. Having said that I've never really cooked on anything this powerful before and I've mostly cooked on electric stovetops.I'm still getting used to things a bit and which burner I'll use for what.

Overall fit and finish:
The thing is built really well. The materials are high quality and the build quality seems top notch. The oven door hinges are nice and smooth with soft touch close. The handles are awesome, very substantial with diamond cutting in the center for nice grip. The knobs are very substantial.They did not skimp on the knobs. These suckers are solid steel and heavy. They do not get hot from the stove as they are insulated by the burner grates themselves. They are a tad on the small side but I also have big ole hands.

This sucker puts out some serious firepower! Sweet jeebus the power burner (front left) is just that. I think at least at first I'll mostly use it to boil pasta water and for my extra large saut� pan. With great power comes great responsibility. So I'm going to ease into that burner a bit. the second burner (front right) also cranks out the heat and sears really well but is not as intimidating.

Overall the burners perform well. Not as efficient at placing the heat right under the bottom of the pan as open burners would but not bad for sealed burners.

I haven't used the center oval burner yet. The range comes with a griddle so I'll fire it up for pancakes sometime in the next few weeks.

It performed very well on both high heat (saut�ing) and at simmering. I made an all day Bolognese and a b�chamel and both turned out really well. Over the next fews weeks I'll continue to put it through its paces. I plan doing a stove-top duck sous vide and braised short ribs.

The cooktop is really easy to clean. the grates are in three big pieces and come off no problem. The base is one stamped piece of stainless steel so there is not a lot of nooks and crannies for gunk to get stuck in.

So far I'm pretty impressed with the performance of the oven. It heats up quickly and bakes evenly. Haven't used the convection mode yet. But so far I've made homemade biscuits, shepards pie, mac and cheese and my wife made some vegan chocolate cup cakes.

Everything turned out really well

The electric controls are nice and easy to use. Hopefully, they last a long time without the type of electrical gremlins that often haunt these things. Time will tell.

The front of the oven get hot when it is cranked up. As some of you may recall I originally was very high on the Bluestar RCS range but ultimately passed on it due to the hot oven door issue. In my personal opinion the hot oven door issue is a legitimate one though I recognize that different people would have different tolerances for such things. Ultimately my wife overruled my on the Bluestar. For that reason It is really disappointing that the Jenn Air has essentially the same issue. I made a special point of noting this to the wife :-)

Overall I'm satisfied with my purchase. I think it is a great product at the price point and provides a lot of features and value for the money. The quality seems really high.

I look forward to putting it through it's paces.

If anyone has any questions I'm happy to answer them.

Fire away!

Comments (135)

  • 8 years ago

    Do you all still like the range? I have arranged to order the Jenn Aire gas range (no my dealer did not mention that it was being discontinued) but my model number is a bit different from what you all have. It is JGS1450FP . I am building a house and it will probably not be ready for appliances until end of July although my builder needs the specs now to allow for cabinets, gas line, etc. Wondering if anyone has heard anything about this model? It looks exactly the same as all of yours in the picture (it has the pro style handles). Also, does anyone have the Bosch dishwasher? There are many complaints regarding a foul odor when you open the door (even when almost new).

    Thanks for any information you can provide.

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    Comments (9)
    I've been where you are. I also didn't want a bottom handle on the range, as one big handle is more than enough. I dismissed the Jenn-Air due to all the bad reviews/repair records from people in the business. I didn't like the lip on the KA (from smoothtop to controls). I liked the clean lines on the Bosch and Jenn-Aire, but the Bosch won hands down because of it's reviews and style. We have the SS Integra and love it. It's roomy. The cooktop heats up quickly. The fan does come on whenever the oven is turned on but it's not loud, IMO. We haven't used the probe yet, so I can't tell you about that. We're quiet pleased with this range. Word of advice: Just make sure the minimum height of the Bosch will work with the height of your current countertops. If your countertops are less than 36", the Bosch will be higher than your counters. Our counters were lower so we had to build them up in order to make the range fit properly over the counter. I wasn't about to return the Bosch for one I didn't care for; I liked it too much. Also, if you don't have a slide-in currently, you'll need the 3" filler piece behind the range b/c the range does not touch the wall. The Bosch does not come with this peice - at least mine didn't. Any questions, let me know. Deb
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    Newly released Jenn-Air Slide in Ranges


    Comments (60)
    Here to provide an update 5 years in. It's been a mixed bag. Still have the range and it still performs well overall. However, I have had some issues that have reduced my enthusiasm. I've now replaced the electronic panel twice and the fan designed to cool the panel also failed. I suspect that electronic panel will need to be replaced every 2-3 years. There is just not enough insulation between the heat sources and the electronic panel. There is a designated fan to keep it cool but I don't think it is sufficient. I also had the fan itself die. Thus far Jenn-Air have been pretty good about the repairs. The most recent situation was a couple of months ago and the control panel died rendering the oven unusable. Jenn-air paid for the parts and I had to pay for the labor. I doubt that support will continue into the future. Also where I live getting a competent tech to come out hasn't always been easy. One fo the companies that Jenn-air arranged to service the range was absolutely horrible and never bothered to show up at all. I think this design is flawed and makes me now weary of recommending this product. The other thing that has become more annoying is that the control panel and the knobs tend to get really grubby from cooking. Their location on the top rather than the front has advantages (harder for little kids to play with and accidentally turn on) and disadvantages (messy). I didn't seem to mind this initially but it bugs me more and more now. All of the non-electronic bits have held up really well (grates, burners, igniters, pan under burners etc.). The door is still operates very smoothly. If I had it to do over again I think I would splurge and go for the open-burner range I coveted at the time (Bluestar or Capital) and avoid all the fancy electronics.
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    Jenn Air slide in range - countertop depth?


    Comments (11)
    If you click "Dimensions" off to the right on the page you linked, you'll get a PDF data sheet that lists the cutout dimensions: A. 13" (33.0 cm) upper cabinet depth B. 30" (76.2 cm) min. opening width C. For minimum clearance to the top of the cooktop, see NOTE. D. 23 " (59.1 cm) opening depth E. 30" (76.2 cm) min. opening width F. Junction box - 5.5" (14.0 cm) min. from either cabinet, 10" (25.4 cm) max. from floor. Outlet must be flush. Nothing located in shaded area can extend more than 2" (5.1 cm) from wall or range will not slide all the way back. G. Cabinet door or hinge should not extend into cutout. H. 18" (45.7 cm) I. 3" (7.6 cm) min. clearance from both sides of the range to the side wall or other combustible material. NOTE: 24" (61.0 cm) minimum when bottom of wood or metal cabinet is covered by not less than 1⁄4" (0.64 cm) flame retardant millboard covered with not less than No. 28 MSG sheet steel, 0.015" (0.4 mm) stainless steel, 0.024" (0.6 mm) aluminum or 0.020" (0.5 mm) copper. 30" (76.2 cm) minimum clearance between the top of the cooking platform and the bottom of an uncovered wood or metal cabinet.
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    Please recommend a dual-fuel range


    Comments (12)
    It looks like my only choice for a slide-in with downdraft is the Jenn-Air JDS1750EB There is also a KitchenAid version of that range, which you may like the look and price of better. Your other option would be a Dacor slide in. They don't have an integrated downdraft, but instead they are compatible with pop-up downdrafts, which are definitely more effective ventilators than the integrated ones. I haven't seen any reviews on Dacor ranges lately, though. Is it a good stove? It came out pretty recently, so there aren't many reviews yet. There have been some reviews of the all gas and dual fuel non-downdraft versions here, which overall have been positive. http://ths.gardenweb.com/discussions/2812795/early-review-new-jenn-air-slide-in-gas-range So, back to my question: when I can no longer get repairs and do need to replace, will I be able to replace the range I have with a slide-in? As said earlier, yes, you will, after cabinet modification. The bottom piece your range is sitting on needs to go.
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  • 8 years ago

    Very interesting. Looks like Jenn-Air has a whole new model of this range. You can see both versions on their site. This would align with the multiple dealers that told me the original version is set for being discontinued. At that time they didn't have info. on this "new" model. I don't immediately see any differences other than the price is reduced... The features listed on the original model is a longer list, but maybe if you compare user manuals it might show if those features are actually removed from the new model. The actual specs look identical though. Without knowing more, I'd say get the newer model.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Your comment about the Bosch dishwasher is enough off-the-titled-topic that it may get overlooked. I'll give a shot at replying, though you might want to start your own thread with this question as a title to get more responses.

    When your refer to the seemingly very alarming "many complaints" about "foul odors," are you referring to the hundreds of posts that make up this thread or perhaps this earlier one on Bosch DWs. There really aren't very many complaints in those threads --- most of those hundreds of posts are from GW members trying to figure out a problem (and variations) that a few owners' report.

    Sometimes the problems turn out to be solved by simply changing to a different detergent and/or rinse aid to better match the particular water supply. That often seems to take care of the gunk and stink problems that some people have run into with their DWs (Bosch and otherwise.)

    I know those threads can be long, but you may get a very different perspective if you parse through the actual posts. Sometimes, somebody needs to figure out that that they just plain received a defective unit or have a broken part; every line of mass-produced products will have some lemons, dogs, bad components, etc. that get past the factory's quality control folks. That is what warranties are supposed to be for. Sometimes, the problem turns out to be some component has broken. Sometimes, it was the result of an unexpected inadvertant user error (as it was in one of the threads linked above where a setting had been inadvertently turned off and the particular Bosch DW was not getting hot enough water.) Sometimes the problem was caused by an installation error (drain line positioning errors seemed to cause some problems for a while.) Sometimes, somebody with a defective unit just needed reassurance for responding to the random ignoramuses who sometimes turn up in customer service or, worse yet, come to your house to give you the idiot or lazy tech's wave-off, "they all do that."

    Over the years I've been reading and posting here, one the greatest things for me has been how readily members try to help each other out. Sometimes, particularly for unsual problems, the result can be a long thread.

    So, you can't just count the posts in a thread here and say, OMG, every one of those must be complaint and therefore XXXX's products must be absolute crap. Of course, sometimes that does turn out to be the case but you do not want to assume that..

    If you can read through the Bosch threads (and others) to see what is actually being discussed, you will see that most of us have been pretty pleased with our Bosch DWs. As have owners of Mieles and other brands. FWIW, I've had my present Bosch for 9 years, had another one for 17
    years before that, and highly recommend the brand based on my

    One thing, though, every DW company seems to have its own set of layout designers. Some company's tine spacing, sprayer locations, silverware baskets/trays, and etc. may work for you and some may not. Always a good idea to take some of what you expect to wash and go down to a store to see how you do or do not like loading any given line of DWs.

  • 8 years ago

    OP here, I still own my Jenn-air range. Overall I'm still satisfied with the purchase. I haven't had any further issues with the display scree. I'm also curious to see what the difference is between the old and new model. My guess is that it wasn't selling as well as intended and so it is getting some decontenting and moving down the market a bit on price and features.

    regarding your question about Bosch dishwashers I'll jwvideo's comment. I've owned Bosch dishwashers for the past decade (two different DWs in two houses) both have performed very well with no weird odors. With our current Bosch 800 we did initially have some issue of gunk clogging the filter and getting left in glassware. However, we switch detergents to Cascade complete 8x and it all went away. I think the finish detergent recommended by bosch just wasn't sympatico with the chemistry of our local water. If I were in the market for a DW and didn't want to spend the money on a Miele I would absolutely buy another Bosch.

  • 8 years ago

    The new model is "JGS" only? As in not dual fuel? I couldn't find a JDS1450FP for example. Anyways, while the website layout is slightly different -- it doesn't mention the power burner or the warming drawer for example -- Everything is in the spec. Furthermore, the manuals are identical binary files, even though they are stored in different directories for the model name. So, there is no feature or usage difference between them.

  • 8 years ago

    I am ordering a Jenn Aire gas range. I asked the sales person about the odd number and he said it is probably the new model (but it looks exactly like the old model and the specs seem exactly the same) so I have no idea what is different about it. I couldn't find my model number on their website, he attributed that to Jenn Aire not keeping their website current. I am sure they are keeping the dual fuel range as it looks to be more popular.

    Thanks too for the info regarding the Bosch dishwasher.

  • 8 years ago

    @ avogelsong and stesoft, the model is on the Jenn-Air website. Go to https://jennair.com/appliances/details/JGS1450FS and choose "pro-style" option.

    @ stesoft , The version change only pertains to the 30" standard gas range "D" line. The page for the "new" model does show "baking drawer" and "19,000-BTU Dual- Stacked PowerBurner" under the features tab, in the three primary feature boxes, as well as described in "overview."

    ...as you pointed out, the manual is the same, but actually doesn't list the "new" "F" line in the manual. Hopefully this doesn't meant that either or both the item web page/s and the manual aren't simply re-used for the "new" model, and don't accurately describe or pertain to the new model version.

  • 7 years ago

    I saw the discontinued model on sale as a floor sample. Really liked the look of the range and all the features. Found this thread when I tried to find reviews on the range. Asked the salesman what the difference was between the old and new models. Only things he could find were 1) the soft close door has an added hinge and 2) improved durafinish on the cooktop for easier cleaning. Has anyone had any problems with the door and/or cooktop finish? Trying to decide if I should go with the proven discontinued model and save a few bucks or go with the newer version that hasn't been reviewed yet. Thanks!

  • 7 years ago

    Ours is a bit over 2 years old and there hasn't been any issue with the door. We do use it quite a bit.

    The cooktop cleans up very nicely also, but I have to admin I'm often not the one cleaning it :) I do like that the display and buttons are a big piece of glass, that makes them easy to clean (something we do often because it faces up and gets a lot of stuff on it).

  • 7 years ago

    Mine is less than five months old, so(obviously?) no problems here. I still LOVE everything about the range. I use the stove top it daily, and it still cleans up very nicely.

  • 7 years ago

    I actually had an issue with the finish on the door of the oven. The top coat of the finish has started peeling off along the top edge of the door. I have never used any harsh cleaners or abrasive scrubbers so i habe no clue why it happened. I wrote to jenn air but they told me the finish is only covered for the first 90 days. Its not really noticeable but still not what i would expect from a range at this price.

  • 7 years ago

    stp92x, can you elaborate on the issue? You mean the interior finish of the oven? This sounds really bad to me, and did Jenn-Air offer any other options for a repair, i.e. full price replacement of the door, or anything despite not covered under warranty? The finish being a separate coverage sounds ridiculous to me though...

  • 7 years ago

    Appreciate all the feedback. Thank you!

  • 7 years ago

    We're about to buy the newer model - JGS1450FS...Hoping those who have done the same can vouch for it. Was a little confused about why the previous model was discontinued...

  • 7 years ago

    30 lake, we're considering the same model. Have you been happy with it so far?

  • 7 years ago

    Mja12, it just arrived yesterday but we won't have it installed until weeks from now. I'll report back once we've used it.

  • 7 years ago
    30lake - how do you like your new range?

    Have you had issues with the top of the oven door getting hot? This is my worry with this unit and the kitchenaid clone ksgb900ess.

    In fact I'm considering this unit because the knobs are on top so won't get hot, as is reportedly the case with the kitchenaid -- despite the fact that we have a matching kitchenaid wall oven.
  • 7 years ago

    John L - we haven't used it yet as it's not installed and won't be for another couple of weeks. Will definitely report back!

  • 7 years ago

    We bought this range last fall and it's been disappointing. First, it gets very hot. Even the interior of the microwave above the range gets hot. I often use that as a place for defrosting food, to keep it away from our dogs. I can't when the range is in use. I have no problem with the burners, but the oven is not great. There's an auto-convect function that is gimmicky and not functional enough. It doesn't inform you when the oven reaches temperature and, when the timer goes off, the oven does, too. It seems ridiculous to us so we just use the manual convect function. The knobs are also difficult to clean. I was surprised that they didn't come all the way off to allow for cleaning underneath. We haven't used the cleaning function yet and we've done a lot of cooking. Everything has turned out fine, but I do have some buyer's remorse.

  • 7 years ago

    The install guide states you shouldn't put an OTR microwave over the range, they recommend a hood. But I'm in the same boat. Our microwave goes into heat-protect mode sometimes when boiling large pots of water.

    I'm in the process of figuring out how to install a drawer microwave, and replacing the OTR microwave with a real hood and adding a blacksplash.

    Other than that, 2.5 years in and I really like the oven a lot. Self cleaning worked very well, on the bottom. but not so great on the sides or the glass door which I'm having a hard time keeping clean. Other than that I've found it to be powerful and consistent.

  • 7 years ago

    I wish the salesperson who sold us the LG microwave with the range had mentioned that!

  • 7 years ago

    Hmmm. We have an LG OTR microwave above our range. While the range does kick out a ton of heat (the power burner is very powerful) as I said in my original review. I haven't had any issues with the microwave. Perhaps because we have the version of the LG MW that has the extend a vent where the front piece extends out. This may insulate things a bit from the heat. I do have a stainless steel backsplash as well. I have noticed that the upper cabinet adjacent to the left power burner gets really hot as does the cabinet pull. In a perfect world I would not have a cabinet there and I would have an actual range hood in place of the OTR. But we have constraints and after 3 years this is still working out well for me. As I mentioned above about a year in we had to replace the touch panel under warranty. However, since then we haven't had any issues with the range.

    Overall, I pretty happy with the range. Would I buy it again? If I were in the market for a range I would still seriously consider it. It offers a lot of features and quality for price. I would also look at the Bertazonni and the Bluestar RCS (with the open burners).

  • 7 years ago

    More update. Yesterday, we used the cleaning function for the first time. That, too, was a disappointment. The Aqualift Technology does an okay job of cleaning the oven floor, but the sides and back are untouched and need a traditional scrubbing. While I don't like using the energy of a traditional self-cleaning oven, at least the oven actually gets clean.

  • 6 years ago

    Quick question for HerrProfessorDoktor and Stesoft since you two posted photos of your stoves. How deep are your counter tops and how far from is it from the edge of the counter to the edge of the stove. The stove dimensions reflect 27 13/16" from the back of the stove to the front edge of the control console. Both your fits look good but I'm concerned my countertops aren't deep enough and that the stove would stick out too far. My countertops are 24 1/2" where my stove is. Thanks!

  • 6 years ago

    Hello, that might be a bit shallow. I just took these pics. First one is the tape measure against our back wall and you can see the oven sticks out 27.5" and our counter is 26.5" or so.

    That's the control panel, though. The rest of the oven doesn't stick out so far. you can see the rest of the oven in the other pic.

    I'm not sure why the built in trim kit falls short, I guess to accomodate counter depths like you have. I'm thinking of fixing that when I redo the kitchen a bit.

    Meanwhile, trouble in paradise!! I was out of town a week, just turned on the oven a minute ago and got this.

    It says to call service. Something about a fan :( :( :( It's about 3 years old at this point. Extended warranty is over I think, I think I only did +1 year.

  • 6 years ago

    Our countertops are 25.5" deep. The control panel extends about an additional 2.5" from that.

  • 6 years ago

    please keep us updated regarding the service alert and your experience with how it's resolved...

  • 6 years ago

    Wondered if/how stesoft 's service call went on the error.

    I did notice that since the gas model refresh that Jenn-Air has increased the warranty from one to two years. It looks like they did this on a lot if not all appliances. A caveat is that they added an exclusion for use of non-branded parts, but didn't that type of exclusion just get struck down in the courts?

    It's also interesting that technically the manuals and warranties linked to by Jenn-Air don't list model numbers. So, I wonder if it could be argued that the warranties should apply to older purchases of the same model, or in this case a refreshed model with no listed changes, as well?

    Regarding stesoft 's warranty expiring, it's worth looking at your credit card benefit terms to see if, like many, they offer an extended warranty on purchases made with your card... that is if you used a credit card to purchase. I see my CapitalOne card offers extended warranties on any item that includes a manufacturer two-year warranty (not on one year warranties) and it also extends any extended warranty purchased as well.

  • 6 years ago

    I will check the warranty info w.r.t. the credit card... but, here's the update. I did some googling and it appears the error is saying the oven fan isn't rotating at the expected speed. So the oven just shuts off.

    I killed power to the circuit in order to see if I could access the fan and look for obstructions, but before getting that far I turned it back on and it worked. It has worked since then also. I would guess the fan is probably failing, but I haven't had the error code come back again.

    The error came up after we were gone for 1.5 weeks, probably the longest the oven had ever gone without being used since we bought it.

  • 6 years ago

    Interesting. Thanks for the info.

  • 6 years ago

    We just ordered Jenn-air slidein gass range, hood vent, dishwasher and refridgerator. I am having trouble finding good reviews and feel like I should cancell order

  • 6 years ago

    I can't speak to their other products but we've been pretty happy with our Jenn-air gas range.

  • 6 years ago
    Hey Jaevco,

    Fear not!

    I also just ordered the whole set. The obsidian refrigerator is beautiful! I happen to know the east coast product manager of Jenn Air who has been with Whirlpool for 20+ years and knows his stuff, I was looking at Sub Z and Viking and after he gave me an overview of all the functions that Jenn Air has, in addition to a terrific extended warranty and customer service, I was sold.

    I get mine installed end of June, so let’s keep this thread going and provide feedback.
  • 6 years ago

    Has anyone else had an issue with the clock on the range slowing down by 10 minutes at my latest count?

  • 6 years ago

    We are getting ready for a total kitchen remodel and plan to replace with Jenn-Air refrigerator, microwave drawer, and range. Plan to get Vent-a-hood range hood (600CFM). Was so happy to have found this thread and would like to know how your install went, Sara Sitardites, and if you are happy with the appliances you had installed. It seems that there have been some changes to the appliances throughout this thread, so I am interested in hearing from anyone who has replaced appliances with 2018 models!

  • 6 years ago

    Hi, we are also gutting/rebuilding the house and installing a new kitchen. Appliance rep recommends the Jenn Air package - we’d end up with the 36” gas range/6 burners; side by side frig; speed oven; hood....it seems like good “value” but I am not really familiar with the brand at all and it’s still a lot of money. So also hoping to hear more from folks who have purchased and their experiences!

  • 6 years ago
    Just wondering how everyone is finding the Aqua lift self cleaning feature.
  • 6 years ago

    Just had to have the cooling fan replaced in our range. Jenn-air covered the part, we paid for the labor.

    Had some serious issues with the Jenn-air local repair contractors:

    We started getting an error code that the cooling fan speed was too low and as a result the oven would not function. (basically this cooling fan runs once the oven temp gets above a certain level to keep the electronic panel cool). Contacted Jenn-air and they scheduled an appointment with their local repair contractor. On the date of the appointment the tech didn't actually show up. He called and said they needed to replace the fan and that he'd order the part and call when it came in. A week or so later the guy just showed up at my door unannounced. PITA but whatever. The guy tore down the top of the range and claimed the wire connection was loose. He tightened it and it seemed to solve the issue. However, after he left I noticed that the tech did a terrible job re-assembling the top of the range. Called them back and they sent out a second tech to fix it. He did a better job but it was still not reassembled correctly.

    A few weeks go by and again the same problem occurs. Call Jenn-air again and schedule another appointment. On the day of the appointment again I get a call saying they will order the part and call when it comes in.

    A week goes by. at this point we are week out from Christmas and the wife is starting to freak out that we will not have an oven to cook christmas dinner. So I call the repair company to get an update. The dispatcher says she doesn't know if the part is in but would have the tech call back. a few hours later the tech leaves a voicemail stating that they will not be coming back out to repair the oven and I should call someone else. WTF!?! At this point I'm super pissed. I call Jenn-air and to their credit there were pretty responsive. They set me up with a different repair outfit. They had to come out twice because the first time the replacement part was broken. Eventually it got fixed and we now have a functioning oven.

  • 6 years ago
    I have had zero issues with my appliances since I took delivery in early July. The griddle is awesome and the oven holds a lot of stuff! I get so many compliments on the fridge...we are a,so very happy with the ice maker being so large. The dishwasher is great too, as long as you do a steam finish IMO. I did not get the microwave drawer, I got the Sharp instead, and we love it. I would recommend!
  • 6 years ago

    I'm also one of the longest term owners in this thread: April 2015. We use the range every day just about, and it has cooked Christmas dinner for 25 every year. Yesterday was another success with two 6lb roasts, appetizers, yorkshire pudding, rolls, mashed potatoes, etc. Using both ovens and the stove top.

    Like HerrProfessorDoktorI had a similar error F8E0 I posted in this thread, regarding a fan. I do think it's a lose wire, because a hard reset of the stove has fixed it and everything continues to work. I'm totally out of warranty so I'm not looking forward to that really breaking, or calling a repair person. Apart from that worry we are 100% happy with the range, it has outperformed a more expensive Dacor we had before.

  • 4 years ago

    Update on our experience with this range:

    Here to provide an update 5 years in. It's been a mixed bag. Still have the range and it still performs well overall. However, I have had some issues that have reduced my enthusiasm. I've now replaced the electronic panel twice and the fan designed to cool the panel also failed. I suspect that electronic panel will need to be replaced every 2-3 years. There is just not enough insulation between the heat sources and the electronic panel. There is a designated fan to keep it cool but I don't think it is sufficient. I also had the fan itself die. Thus far Jenn-Air have been pretty good about the repairs. The most recent situation was a couple of months ago and the control panel died rendering the oven unusable. Jenn-air paid for the parts and I had to pay for the labor. I doubt that support will continue into the future. Also where I live getting a competent tech to come out hasn't always been easy. One fo the companies that Jenn-air arranged to service the range was absolutely horrible and never bothered to show up at all. I think this design is flawed and makes me now weary of recommending this product.

    The other thing that has become more annoying is that the control panel and the knobs tend to get really grubby from cooking. Their location on the top rather than the front has advantages (harder for little kids to play with and accidentally turn on) and disadvantages (messy). I didn't seem to mind this initially but it bugs me more and more now.

    All of the non-electronic bits have held up really well (grates, burners, igniters, pan under burners etc.). The door is still operates very smoothly.

    If I had it to do over again I think I would splurge and go for the open-burner range I coveted at the time (Bluestar or Capital) and avoid all the fancy electronics.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Here's my update for the heck of it. Sorry you've had those issues. I had only considered other Whirlpool brand (i.e. kitchenaid) options so I'm pretty happy with this one.

    I saw this notification come in while I was making breakfast and snapped two quick "unprepared" pics of our range now at 5+ years old. I love it, and think it's held up well for the price. The best thing about it is the stovetop, and how it cleans up fairly well.

    The main issues were the occasional glitch -- but we haven't replaced any parts, except bulbs which are hard to replace. The next biggest issue is lack of self cleaning. And I cannot get the spots out of the inside of the window. When it was new, that big glass window was so cool. Now it just looks ugly -- see the attached pics. Otherwise I agree, the hardware held up well.

    Overall pretty happy with it, we use the oven most nights, broiler 1x/week, and stovetop multiple times a day.

  • 4 years ago

    I should also remind everyone that I am most likely the very first person to have this range in their house. The specific unit I have was a floor display model (unused). The store got special permission to sell this to me since that actual production models weren't going to be available in the timeline I needed it to be.

    All that is to say I have one of the very first units produced and it may have more bugs than later production units.

  • 4 years ago

    That's an interesting observation, HerrProfessorDoktor (early unit possibly = more bugs). If my range is any example, they seem to have gotten out the kinks your unit had. I bought mine a couple of years after you. (Also, this model didn't seem to last long - I don't buy enough appliances to know if that is normal?)

    Throwing in my 2 cents with regard to my unit. I've had it for three years now and it has not had any hardware or technical issues/errors. I love the power of the range top - though I've only used all four burners (at one time) once or twice. I agree the knob placement is not ideal, and they are challenging to clean well. I'm pretty sure one of the reviews above mentions this so it was at least a conscious decision for me to purchase anyway, and not an afterthought. I love the simmer feature and wish it were on an additional burner (or even all of them, because optimal pan placement). I can really only simmer on that burner. All other burners just have too much power, even on the lowest setting, to simmer.

    The oven is very large, so(?) takes a long time to heat up. I wish the smaller oven were on top. I'm not sure I would buy this model again because I have learned I use the smaller oven much more than I thought I would - and it would be so much more convenient on top.

    But everything functions well and I've been very happy with it. It is certainly getting used more than ever right now and I am happy to have it completely functioning. Knock on wood.

  • 4 years ago

    Not gonna lie lately I've been coveting the Bluestar open burners I almost went with. I'm wondering how much I could get if I tried to sell my used Jenn-air?

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Hello Herrprofessordoktor and everyone else. I purchased an earlier version of this range Christmas 08-09. I have been through 3 control panels and all of my piezo igniters have gone out less one. Jenn air replaced the first panel and paid the labor. Second one they replaced the part and I did the labor. Third I was on my own. My main burner that should put out the most BTU's puts out the least now and the cartridge burners put out more than the main burner ever did. They are crazy hot now. The smallest burner will now boil water pretty quickly. Strangest thing ever. If I did it again, I might go another direction. At the time I wanted a downdraft and this is all that was available unless I added on downdraft separately. For the amount of money these ranges cost....seems crazy to have control panels go out every 2-3 years.

    I am looking at replacing and haven't decided what to do. I still like the downdraft, but don't want to be stuck replacing control panels.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Update: My long-term expereinces with this range has been pretty poor. Specifically the control panel design is garbage. We have now had to replace the panel 4 times. We've alsio had to replace the fan unit that is supposed to keep the control panel cool multiple times. I don't think the panel or the fan is insulated enough to protect it from the heat of the oven or the adjacent burners. Sadly the same control panel design is now on other products within other brands under the parent umbrella (whirlpool etc.). I wouldn't buy anything that has that design.

    Everytime that stupid thing breaks we have to debate whether to pour more money into it or just trash the thing. It's now nearly 9 years old.

  • last year

    I am glad to see this thread updating over 9 years. I also bought at the same time and fortunately our oven works well with daily use. I do like this oven, the materials have held up, the burners have held up well, and it bakes well. I like the window.

    BUT -- I do get occasional weird error messages, and have had to power cycle it. I also have the interior bulbs burn out very often, sometimes in 2 months.

    The control panel is HOT, even when the oven hasn't been used in 24+ hours. It generates its own heat. I can see how it might fail.

    We have a kitchen remodel coming at some point soon, so I will be looking at a 36" or 48" range at that time.