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How wide is your cab for 36" induction cook top? x-post

10 years ago

I've ordered a 36" Bosch induction cook top, NIT8666SUC. I thought that it would fit in a 36" cab but the cab maker spec'd a cab larger than 36".

I checked the spec sheet for this cook top. The cut-out requirement is 34 3/4 to 34 7/8. It also calls for 1" min from cutout to wall. Does "wall" mean cab wall or kitchen wall? I'm starting to think it means cab wall.
I never expected that this cook top would require a non-stock cab size. Not a problem for us but it's still surprising.

(I would prefer to have that extra width, as little as it is, go to another bank of drawers on my cook top run. I've been making do with two 12" deep, 30" wide shelves for all my pots and pans for years. I'm going to have so much room for pots and pans after I remodel.)

x-post in kitchen forum

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