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Weekend Trivia ~ Saturday

Well, Happy New Year, Cottagers!! I missed you good wishes Cynthia - sorry about that!! Another year to play with, eh?? Oh the fun we'll have!!

Rerunning crossword puzzles isn't as rare as one might imagine, though it is usually a lesser newspaper running, say, the New York Times crossword. Historically, crosswords have changed, so today's clue hounds might have problems with the older ones. n 1942, a series of letters to The Daily Telegraph had claimed that the paper's crossword wasn't hard enough. It could be solved in a matter of minutes, they said; so a man called WAJ Gavin, the chairman of the Eccentric Club, suggested this be put to the test. He put up a 100 pound prize, to be donated to charity in the event that anyone could do it, and Arthur Watson, the paper's then editor, arranged a competition in the newsroom on Fleet Street. The puzzle they used for the competition was then published in the newspaper the next day - then, last November, again - in the New York Times. What was so special about this particular crossword?

And I will be back with clues!! Nancy.

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