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HAVE: Trichocereus bridgesii cuts, T. hybrids and Peanut Cactus

10 years ago

I would be interested in diversifying my cactus and succulent collection.

I have to trade:
1. A 5-6 year old T. bridgesii, mostly likely cut into sections as the middle section is somewhat sad looking and top has kinda fallen over and has roots coming out of it. It could get broken up like this: 1 4" long x 1" wide section in nice condition with several roots already going. 2 4" long x 1" wide section with lots of brown damage, but i bet they would sprout nice new growth. 1 stump with nice little pup started.

2. I have a several 2"-4" T. bridgesii x pachinoi seedlings

3. I have a ton of Peanut Cactus ('echinopsis chamaecereus') sections, super easy to grow, pretty flowers. Can be a nice "ground cover" for a pot with a columnar cactus in it.

I am open to any trade offers, but I'd love to get some crested cacti, monstrose forms, anything rare, Any sceletiums (mine died :( ), any Aztekiums.

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