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protecting trees from utility tree services

10 years ago

The local power company (and other) tree services have in recent years become more aggressive and bold in their approach - they'll cut any branches that grow within about a 15 foot radius of the wire (and then some), leaving some trees growing near the poles cut back to about 7 feet tall. I have some fruit trees that could never grow tall enough to interfere with the wire but grow in the zone in which the tree companies prune, so I'm considering ways to protect them.

My first thought was to determine which companies were doing the trimming and voicing my concerns to them, but upon consideration, I really have no faith that that would be effective.
So I've been thinking of ways of providing physical protection. One thought was to run bird netting over the tops of the trees, which given their location would not be difficult to install. I believe the bird netting would deter the tree companies, but the problem I see is that the netting would trap fallen leaves and other debris and require more maintenance than I am able to provide. Another thought was to use tall stakes connected by wires, but this could be difficult to set up. Another thought was to run a very high fence, but I don't know that this would be permitted.

Anyone dealt with similar issues or have other solution ideas for this problem?

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