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19 years ago

Hi All,

It annoys me is when I am told that a particular species *is* a native, and it patently isnt the case. As I dont carry a copy of the 'Flora' tomes put out by Gardening Australia with me, it usually comes down to a polite disagreement between myself and the other party. A great deal of the misinformation seems to come from places like Bunnings, where staff are eager to tell customers that plant X is, indeed, a waterwise native ... I was recently told, quite earnestly, that 'All Syzygiums are Australian natives' : this news must comes as a profound shock to people in Asia.

Here are some of the other clangers I've heard of late:

* Murrayas - OK, I believe that there *is* a native Murraya somewhere in North Queensland, but the plant that most gardeners will encounter is Murraya Paniculata (Orange Jessamine/Mock Orange), and it comes from Central and Southeast Asia.

* Hibiscus - again, there is a native Hibiscus, but its not the same plant sold in most nurseries (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinesis). For reasons best known to themselves, the nursery that I bought mine from tagged the latter as 'Hibiscus Splendens', one of the native varieties, despite that fact that it's clearly Rosa-Sinesis. Again, Central and Southeast Asia, and widely naturalised in Hawaii. I'll be sure to wear brightly coloured shirts whilst pruning mine.

* Various tropicals : yes, we do have wet tropics in Oz, but very few of our tropical species look like they were left over after the set from Gilligan's Island was dismantled. If I see a palm that I havent encountered before, chances are that it came from South America, not Northern Australia. I have to control myself when I hear someone say 'I *think* it's a native ...', esp when there is a sale imminent. Caveat Emptor.

* Bougainvillea - okay .... I'll sign off before this gets any sillier. Suffice it to say that there are people in this town who fervently believe these thorny terrors originated in Oz. Folks are dumb where I come from :)

I'm sure you've all heard furphys of a similar nature, but it annoys me when it comes from someone who has the ear of newcomers to gardening. Particularly when they think they are buying a native Hibiscus ........

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