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Gerbera in NT

20 years ago


I am new in this forum. I just moved from Brisbane to Gove, NT and I used to grow long stem gerberas back in Brisbane successfully. I am just wondering whether anyone knows whether gerbera will do well up here in the tropics, with hot, humid summers and cooler, drier winters. I have been told by a friend that they can't be grown up here. Can anyone tell me that this is the case or is there special cultivation required to make them flourish?

I know they hate wet feet, and the rainy season may kill them off. I grew them in Brissie in tubs with their rhizomes partially exposed, and I didn't mulch to avoid to mould, which seemed to work.

I suppose I could try to grow them the same way, but if anyone has any experience, I'd love to hear some advice. My remote location requires everything to be freighted by sea or air, which can make things expensive and hard to get. I'd hate to get the gerberas without finding out as much as I can first, in case my friend is right and it's not possible to grow them.

Also, I am wondering whether there are any types of roses that would grow in a tropical climate.



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