Any Hoya growers out there?
23 years ago
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- 23 years ago
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Any Ontario Pole Bean Growers Out There?
Comments (10)Thanks, Macky, you seem to have found a good solution. Unfortunately, I have no more room for starting things indoors, nor do I have a cold-frame which seems to be a staple for far-North gardeners. So your route will not be suitable for me at this time. Jim, it's good to know the facts about air vs. soil temperature. I must give it a test. Anyway today my beans went in. Three tripods with scarlet runner, Kentucky wonder, and a long asian bean called bhodi. The two things I did differently was to plant the beans in hills (I read that the soil heats up faster) and I pre-soaked them (was advised by a neighbour). Jim, I wonder why you advise against this. As Happyday suggested, I put in a trial row of bush beans which I mistakenly bought, and today they are up. So Jim, this supports your comment about the soil temperature. Thanks for the tip. My sqush, zucchini, and cukes are also up, substantiating Jim's claim that the 'coolish' air temperatues are not a good indicator of soil temp. I must keep this in mind for next year. Then I finally put a thin sprinkling of slug bait around the areas. The slugs here are terrible and I go out each night on 'slug patrol' to pick them off my vines. This bait is supposed to be not harmful to children or pets but I have neither in my garden for extended periods. Last year they turned my pepper plant leaves into beautiful 'doily' patterns. I had to take them up and transfer them to pots. This year they go into pots directly. I am still hardening off and it seems as if my tomatoes have become infected during the process. Curling/drying tips of leaves, so I am in a hurry to get them in the ground. Happy gardening all!!...See MoreAny Hoya growers in Knoxville Tn
Comments (5)I have one large, ancient Hoya, which I believe is Hoya carnosa. I can not be certain of this tentative identification since it has been a long time since it bloomed and my memory may be flawed. I rescued it from the trash can about 20 years ago and it only had a few stems with dry, almost, but not completely, lifeless leaves. Now, it is huge--so much so that it is hard to get it outside during the summer, hence the lack of flowers. I understand that probably everyone who grows hoyas has this one, but if anyone wants a slip, or 2 or 3, I will be happy to share either at a hoya swap or the fall plant swap. Just let me know. I plan to move it outside under a shade tree this summer so perhaps it will bloom this year. It has a very strong fragrance. Alice...See MoreAny Hoya growers in UT?
Comments (2)I do have a few varieties of hoya. I also read the Hoya forums occasionally. I have speckled lacunosa carnosa hindu rope variegated hindu rope pubicalyx Pink Silver cumingiana tsangii the one that I have been wanting for a while now is macgillvrayi Most of mine are small right now... can't wait until they fill a big pot and are hanging all over the place....See MoreAny Conophytum growers out there?
Comments (4)They are in growth now, or are supposed to be, right, B? If so, yes. Friend Ryan should see this and comment, but maybe someone else who knows what they're talking about will, too. The Agaves I'm separating today to send to someone in the States still seem to be in growth, though they're going inside today....See More- 23 years ago
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