Pohotukawas in Sydney
19 years ago
I live in an apartment block in Mosman in Sydney surrounded by a beautiful established garden, on sandstone with shallow amended topsoil. Some years ago five 1 metre pohutukawas were planted in an afternoon sun area to form a hedge. They were watered and trimmed, and produced some sparse flowers. One of the residents bought up a storm with some rather nice camellias, which were planted where the pohotus had been. Two of the pohutus were replanted against a western fence under the neighbour's malaleuca, eucalypt and cedar, in the shade. The poor things have just sat there with no flowers, spindly branches and sad looking leaves ever since. My neighbour and I (being ex-pat Kiwis) have been conferring about where to move these sad specimens so they can thrive. What is the best way to look after pohutukawas?
ChristineBOriginal Author
ChristineBOriginal Author