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I think I may be guilty of not following proper protocol. I saw an introduction thread recently and realized I had not done that.

The reason why is I am over on the computer help forum here and many people know me because of seeing me there. But I wanted to be sure to do the proper thing and introduce myself to those that do not know me. I have dropped in KT from time to time over the years rarely posting but often reading, I have started to jump in and post some now.

I am a retired Research Scientist in the field of Genetics specialty Cytogenetics, have owned a few businesses, like to help out with computer problems. I am on many support and help forums on line giving back as much as I am able, hoping to encourage the pay it forward attitude. I very much appreciate the help I have been given over the years.

Now live in the North Houston area.

Am currently going through some health issues that I hope to get figured out soon. Diabetes is one of my list of ills LOL.

I have no children but my husband has a son so I happily claim him and the 5 grand children as mine, they do not live near us unfortunately.

I currently have one itty bitty dog a Toy Fox Terrier. We have had many beautiful Great Danes, our last passed away one year ago tomorrow, all my kitties passed of old age too.

Not sure what all I am supposed to say, none of the other forums I am on do introductions.

I love to read, love to cook even though it is getting harder to do with my illness and being in a wheelchair, I love to make jewelry and craft but again the old hands are not able to do what they once were.

I am true Cajun my family is all still down in Cajun country South Louisiana.

Feel free to ask if I left something out and please accept my apology for not doing this sooner.

My Dane that passed a year ago and the little one.

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