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Well, I went to ride my mower out back and someone left the key on and it won't start. Was not me, I haven't been able to get it going and I think it was one of the guys that started it up the other day. So I walk out to check on the ponds and the water in both ponds is way down so I have to unplug both waterfalls. Izzi and I walk further way out back to the garden and the zucchini are not ready yet, they don't even look like they have grown a bit! Plants and blooms look good though. So on the way back being bitten by lots of mosquitoes, we stop at the club house and guess what, I can not open the door, it must have swollen. The air conditioner is running in there though so I don't know. It will take stronger muscle than I have to get it open. Well, I just smelled the beans and they have boiled over on to my ceramic cooktop! A mess to clean up when it cools down. Have turned them way down and on another burner. I will be puppy sitting in about an hour and a half. I don't think my day so far has gone very well. Hope your day is doing better than mine.


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