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keeping up with technology? lol! not!

My Computer is probably 12 years old. My Digital Camera is about 8 years old. I get by with what I have, although I would like to have some upgrades.

Well, the good thing about having Friends and Family that like to keep up with Technology is....I'm being offered their "old" stuff. You know stuff that's 3 years old. LOL!

My DD gave me her Camera that I borrowed for my trip to Cancun. Then I was complaining about my Old Computer, she said you can have my old computer but it probably isn't any better. LOL! It's 4 years old mine is 10. Of course I'll take it.

I was talking to my Cousin about a Mural I want to paint on my Bathroom Wall. But, I was going to buy a Projector so I could trace the Mural I would do. She told me she had an old one she would mail to me. Got it today.

I'm rocking. It feels like Christmas.

Just call me Recycle Gayle.

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