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I want to move stuff in now...should I wait?

12 years ago

I'm getting frustated that I still can't move into my kitchen. I use the stove somewhat but the plumbing is not done so no sink or DW. The refrigerator and all the old cabinets (filled with stuff) are in the dining room which is where I prepare and we eat. I have to use the bathroom sink for some stuff and then do dishes in the basement.

I want to start moving stuff into the new cabinets but DH wants me to wait. The plumbing is the priority so he wants to get that done first, then I said to do the range hood next, then the hardware. DD thinks we should do the hardware before the range hood. And thats the issue, the hardware. DH doesn't want stuff in the cabinets without the hardware as he thinks it will make a mess when he drills the holes. DD thinks I should wait too.

This remodel is starting to really stress me out along with my DS. DD is able to handle the chaos surprizingly. DH just keeps moving along. I have no idea what a tenative date would be. I would like to think the sink would be done this weekend but I think DH will be out of town.

If you made it this far, thats for listening.

Should I just wait what could be a few more weeks? After plumbing what next? We have the range hood, open shelving (microwave), refrigerator (needs water line), hardware, trim work, etc.

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