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WWYD and why: 36 & 12, 2-24's or 18 & 30" stacks

11 years ago

Hi all. My kitchen layout is just about finalized. I decided to remove the drawers that made a dead corner and opt in on the super susan again(back and forth on that one). When I think of storage I feel the susan would be a great place for my baking staples - flour, sugars, oils, potatoes, and small electrics. Very easy to see what's in the tupperware container by spinning and voila vs. a drawer where I see nothing without lifting due to opaque lids.

Anyhow in doing so it has changed my drawer stack on the right side of the range. Here is a drawing before the change. What the KD recommended was a 36" drawer stack and then a 12" cupboard for tray storage. I have 48" on the right to play with. I was planning on putting trays above the fridge.

With the design including the susan - I will have:

2 - 36" drawer stacks
2 - 33" drawer stacks (one is around the corner, other side of the susan before the fridge)
1 - 18" 4 drawer stack - in the island
1 - 12" door

The left side of the range are for dishes and pots and pans - I think plenty of room. I have a nice sized pantry for tall pots, crock pots and the like. KD suggests top drawer of the 33" on the left for silverware, 36" top drawer on the left for utensils. That's fine - but the 36" on the right? What am I going to put there? It seems whatever will be floating around in there and I do NOT want a 36" junk drawer no way no how.

So on the right side of the range I am wondering if instead of a 36" stack and a 12" door for trays I should opt for a different configuration? I will have my baking dishes on that side of the range which would easily fit in a 24". I am wondering if 1 36" stack to the left would be plenty and organization wise if having a different configuration with the 48" available would be better.

I have read the countless and very informative threads on drawer stacks. I know I want them. I'm just wondering about variety of sizes and if bigger is always better. I am moving on from having just 1 single 18" 4 drawer stack so it is hard to imagine.

Any thoughts? WWYD? 36" seems really huge to me. I know I'd lose the symmetry of 36" on either side of the stove but an island will be there so will I really notice? I think having a couple moderately sized (24-30) would be nice for some utensils - spices.

Thanks in advance.

Here is the drawing (again WITH the susan the right side would be 36" and then 12" DOOR not drawer):

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